Teacher under fire after asking anti-Trump immigrant student ‘Are you legal or illegal?’ – IOTW Report

Teacher under fire after asking anti-Trump immigrant student ‘Are you legal or illegal?’

EAG: CLIFTON, Va. – Parents are enraged after a Fairfax County teacher asked a student about her residency status in response to the girl’s comments for an assignment about the presidential election results.


Kelly Valero told WTLV her sophomore daughter wrote that she was “very disgusted in the election” because Donald Trump “judges people by their race and gender” as part of an assignment for her 10th grade English class at Centreville High School in the days after the Nov. 8 election.

Valero contends the girl’s teacher encouraged students to express their thoughts and feelings, and to use curse words if necessary, about the election results.

“Trump can kiss my ass,” wrote Valero’s daughter, who was not identified. “I am thankful for the life I have and my family (which Trump is trying to deport because we are Hispanic, but whatever)”

The girl’s teacher, who also was not identified, wrote a response on the student’s assignment that pointed out that Trump will not deport Americans in the country legally and asked whether the teen is a U.S. citizen. The handwritten comments hurt Valero’s feelings, she said.

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16 Comments on Teacher under fire after asking anti-Trump immigrant student ‘Are you legal or illegal?’

  1. What Parents are enraged? Maybe this malcontent child’s. Certainly not I!! Maybe if every teacher asked this kind of question….If every Gov Employee asked this question during the course of their work we would never have gotten into this pitiful situation.

  2. So the comment hurt her feelings. She better toughen up, the real world is a lot of work. One more thing, I don’t see that she answered the question, legal or illegal? Is she now trying to get an American citizen’s job over asking a question? Along with toughening up maybe she should start packing too.

  3. The teacher’s point is valid. Trump isn’t trying to deport Hispanics. He wants to deport illegals. For Christ’s sake! “Hispanic” isn’t synonymous with “Illegal.” The parents should tell their daughter to grow a thicker skin.

  4. The teachers point may be valid however it should not have expressed that way. The comment should have stopped where they said that Trump would only deport illegals. We, quite rightly, criticize teachers that bring their political views into the classroom, who attack students when they express views that go against the left progressive narrative and generally stop acting like teachers. This teacher crossed the line with their last comment about the students immigration status and we shouldn’t support that behaviour even if the little tyke who’s complaining is a spoiled, indoctrinated ignorant little B*tch.

  5. Just state the fact. Illegals go, legals stay, because duh- legal. Hispanics does not equal illegals. Done.

    Here’s what made me laugh kinda hard: She didn’t appreciate the part where the teacher said “i hope you get to stay”?
    The assignment shouldn’t have been given in the first place. She had to have known they were going to shit themselves in anger and it would get on her as well. lol.

    Thanks for the entertainment anyway.

  6. So is the Mexicunt illegal or not? If she is legal, perhaps her stupid whore mother should explain to her that her fears are unfounded instead of letting her wallow in paranoia. She has a bad case of Trumpophobia, maybe there’s a pill for that.

  7. Oh, and the semi-literate twat wrote “trynna” instead of “trying to”. My son’s AP English teacher would give a failing grade to a student’s paper if they even used an generally accepted contraction like “can’t”. (But whatever)

  8. Butt hurt and ungrateful little illegal.

    And trying to harm her compassionate teacher in the bargain.

    Fairfax Co VA is incredibly generous with benefits for illegals. And now the county is choking on them.


  9. When problem solving I always like to gather the facts and start from he beginning.

    10th grade English class, teacher told us we could even curse if necessary.

    We’re done here.

  10. What the fuck is “Hispania” anyway?
    Spanish? Mexican? Guatemalan? Nicaraguan? El Salvadoran? Venezuelan? Panamanian? Bolivian? Uruguayan? Some sort of weird monolith below the Rio Grande?
    Or just some speaker of a bastard-Romance language?

    Same tired old play … like “African-Americans” pretending some sort of negro monolith – when Africa is more deadly to Africans than to non-Africans. They hate each other on religious, social, tribal, and national grounds – not to mention “soft” hair and “hard” hair.
    (just like Germans, French, Italians, Russians, &c.)

    The whole fukkin world’s absurd.

    izlamo delenda est …

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