Recent Somali Migrant Charged With Criminal Sexual Conduct in Minnesota – IOTW Report

Recent Somali Migrant Charged With Criminal Sexual Conduct in Minnesota

Breitbart: A 22-year old Somali man who arrived in the United States in September faces charges of criminal sexual conduct, a felony punishable by up to 30 years in prison.

“A Minneapolis man is being charged with criminal sexual conduct after being accused of raping a woman on a bus passing through Crookston Friday,” according to the Crookston Times.

“Mohamed Harir Ayanle, 22, was released from the Northwest Regional Correction Center Monday on a $5,000 bond and on the condition that he does not leave Minnesota,” the Times reported.

According to the criminal complaint filed with the Minnesota 9th Judicial District Court in Polk County, the suspect “just moved to Minnesota on September 22, 2016 from Somalia.”

Breitbart News contacted the Crookston Police Department and asked whether Ayanle spoke English, whether he arrived under the federal refugee resettlement program or a different immigration program, and for details on his current visa status, but did not receive a response.

Breitbart News also contacted Catholic Charities of St. Paul and Lutheran Social Services, two of the largest resettlement agencies based in Minnesota, and asked if either had helped to resettle Ayanle, but did not receive a response.

“According to the court complaint, the Crookston Police Department were dispatched to 2200 University Avenue – the location of the Crookston Inn & Convention Center – on a report of criminal sexual conduct on a Jefferson Lines bus traveling from Minneapolis to Grand Forks,” The Times reported:

The victim told dispatch that another passenger on the bus threatened her and made her have sex with him. She said that Ayanle said he “had something,” which she believed to be a knife though she never saw a knife, and that was the reason she went with him.  MORE

31 Comments on Recent Somali Migrant Charged With Criminal Sexual Conduct in Minnesota

  1. What the hell, they call this guy a “Minneapolis man” in the article? The POS is a Somali that a bunch of traitors allowed into Minneapolis. He is no more a Minneapolis man than I am the President Elect.

  2. Federal refugee/immigration program? Check.
    Catholic Charities “Pay Us to do Your Bidding” Liberal Religion Sham? Check.
    Lutheran “Social Services” Sham? Check.

    Those are the Obama administration players in this immigrant invasion subterfuge.

  3. You Somalis like the Female Genital Mutilation thing over there.
    This is America, and what’s good for the Goose is good for the Gander
    “Look here Skinny, This is a special ‘surgical’ kind of hammer. It’s called a Ball Peen Hammer, and I’m going to take your ‘parts’ off with this thing.”

  4. They won’t find this bug until he gets caught raping again, and he will do it again.
    In his uneducated Muslim mind he got away with it, he isn’t dead now and they let him go.

  5. I’m sorry, but she willingly went to the back of the bus to watch a movie with him? Not excusing him, but that was the first mistake. He’s not hot and looks somewhat suspicious. “Hi. Would you step into this dark alley with me? I need you to help me rescue a kitten.” Aren’t we supposed to learn this stuff when we’re 5?

  6. not saying this woman got what she deserved but—-stupid.. and this muzzie will disappear for a short time and then get back on the bus for more easy pick n’s. People in this country better wake up=get off the left democratic train and wise up. never trust anybody.

  7. i dont have any experience in “forcibly” removing a womans clothes, but i would assume there would be a lot of struggling and hollering. I am assuming also that i would have to prove i have “something” like a knife, so I call BS on this particular story. She must have finally seen his face under a streetlight and decided she would call it rape.

  8. Another one of obongo’s sons. Someone should do a ritual circumcision of this numb skull and “accidentally” slip with the dull knife when they do it–and let him sing soprano the rest of his worthless life.

  9. This story made Mau Mau Obama burst his buttons with pride. Everything he has worked for over the past eight years is now bearing fruit. His homeboys are running amok and he is loving it!

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