London: Cheese enthusiasts attacked by vegan protesters – IOTW Report

London: Cheese enthusiasts attacked by vegan protesters

Posh cheese festival descends into chaos as woman “elbowed in the boob”

Mirror UK: An artisan cheese festival descended into chaos last night.

The “fromage-themed extravaganza” took place on Wednesday at London’s famous Borough Market, and hordes turned up, all eager to get a taste of free cheese.

More than 18,000 people said they were attending on Facebook, and it seems many of them actually went (unlike most events). It was too packed. People vented their annoyance at the festival, complaining of ‘dangerous overcrowding’.

Only adding to the misery, others were frustrated at the appearance of a group of vegan protesters, who hurled insults in an anti-cheese demonstration while streaming videos of sad-looking cows.  more

Photo: Instagram/Andrew m Byodd

19 Comments on London: Cheese enthusiasts attacked by vegan protesters

  1. ” Many people find that, at the beginning and end of the day, a small lump of fluff has appeared in the navel cavity. People have wondered why this happens for many years. In 2001, Dr. Karl Kruszelnicki of the University of Sydney, Australia, did a survey to find out why this happens. This is what he found out:[1]
    Navel lint is mostly stray fibers from one’s clothing, mixed with some dead skin cells and body hair.
    Unlike what most people think, navel lint comes from a person’s underwear and not from their shirts or tops. The fibres move there from friction of body hair on underwear.
    Women have less navel lint because of their finer and shorter body hairs. Older men have it more because they have more hair and it is thicker.
    Navel lint’s color is usually blue-gray. The color is most likely an average of all clothing colors worn.[2]
    Navel lint is entirely harmless and does not need to be corrected.
    Dr. Kruszelnicki was awarded the Ig Nobel Prize for Interdisciplinary Research in 2002.[3] The Ig Nobel Prize is given for “achievements that cannot or should not be repeated”. “

  2. Kinda odd that people who eat beef never protest against ‘vegans’ and their sick, mentally-defective ilk.
    Wonder why that is?

    Anklepants? Brad? Anyone?

    izlamo delenda est …

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