Voters oppose Clinton pardon by 3-1 margin – IOTW Report

Voters oppose Clinton pardon by 3-1 margin

WaEx: More than two-thirds of registered voters do not want President Obama to pardon Hillary Clinton before he leaves office next month, according to a Fox News poll released Thursday evening.

The poll said 68 percent of respondents who were asked from Dec. 11-13 say the Democratic president should not forgive his former secretary of state for potential crimes she may have committed in connection with the Clinton Foundation or by using a private email server in her residence. Less than one-quarter of voters, 23 percent, want Obama to help the unsuccessful 2016 Democratic nominee before President-elect Trump takes office.

Even Clinton supporters overwhelmingly do not want Obama to let Clinton off for alleged wrongdoings. Nearly half of her backers said he should not give her a way out, possibly because she is viewed as innocent. Forty percent said he should help her. Meanwhile, 87 percent of Trump supporters said he should not pardon her.  MORE

23 Comments on Voters oppose Clinton pardon by 3-1 margin

  1. I disagree. An Øbama pardon would, in one fell swoop:
    1) Tarnish what’s left of The One’s “legacy”.
    2) Drive a stake through what’s left of Hillary’s political viability.
    3) Keep President Trump (still feels good to write it!) from being distracted and criticized for something that matters less than many other things I hope he’ll be doing.

  2. No matter what Trump does, he’s going to be taking heat. The game plan is obviously to put the hurt on his administration with the Death of a Thousand Cuts.

    Hillary overtly thumbed laws that would have put anyone else into a deep dark hole for a long stretch. She sold access. She lied repeatedly. She allowed our most sensitive state secrets to be known by our enemies. Her political needs let 4 people be senselessly killed in Benghazi. Her war mongering have opened the floodgates of moslims into Europe and further into our country. She put her insane desire for money above everything.

    When did doing the right thing become something to avoid?

    That being said, Trump plays 3D chess and I’m playing Tic-Tac-Toe-I’ll leave this to his obviously better judgment. Doesn’t mean I’m gonna like it.

  3. TWP, I see your points, but too many libtards simply don’t care or are in denial about anything negative on Bumbler’s record. I still see people carrying on, thanking him for all the “wonderful” things he has done for this country, and so on. It makes me wonder if even that (a pardon that should damage him AND her) would be ignored by history and books 100 years from now will talk about some “great” president who had to face down so much intolerance, yada yada yada.

  4. Bowe Bergdahl asks the sitting Prez for a pardon; he’s not scheduled for Court-Martial until May 2017. To me, asking for a pardon in advance of the trial is in admission of guilt. So if Obama pardons Hillary, that tarnishes her forever as a pardoned felon. Would the Dowager Empress stand for that?

  5. Obozo don’t care. Why should he? His “legacy” will soon be in the crapper, he’s got everything he could squeeze out of being President, and he doesn’t have to worry about public opinion anymore. So why not show what a great, merciful man he is by throwing the Clintons a bone on the way out? After all, he might need a favor, like getting somebody offed some day.

    On the other hand, for many of the same reasons, why bother?

    Pass the popcorn.


  6. I think the Clinton scandals have to be investigated and play out in the national interest. We know Hillary Clinton maintained a private server that contained classified material, and if the Russians can hack John Podesta, they can certainly hack Hillary’s server. We know large sums poured into the Clinton Foundation, and that many of the large donors were given access to Hillary; we need to know the extent of the pay to play.

    This issue involves more than just punishing Hillary Clinton – there are national security and domestic corruption issues involved. But my guess is that the major players who threw in with Hillary will push a weak Obama for a pardon; not so much to protect Hillary as protect themselves.

  7. @Jarhead Cracka: She’s not a felon until convicted, just a potential victim of the evil Trump Administration who was saved by the mercy of the Great and Powerful O. And if it came to choosing between a tarnished reputation or doing time in an orange jumpsuit, what would YOU choose?


  8. Oh, and one other thing:

    “More than two-thirds of registered voters do not want President Obama to pardon Hillary Clinton before he leaves office next month, according to a Fox News poll.”

    After the last election, aren’t we a little bit too old to be believing in S̶a̶n̶t̶a̶ ̶C̶l̶a̶u̶s̶ polls, anymore?


  9. Ovomit reportedly does not like the Clintons. If this is true, then he won’t pardon her. If he does pardon her, then it most likely means that if she gets tried, he knows that she will expose his involvement in various scandals.

  10. Clinton can’t be pardoned and protected without all the other players in her various nefarious deeds being pardoned as well. Someone needs to stand outside the Offal Office screaming “LEGACY! LEGACY! LEGACY!” to keep Ocorpseman from ruining our pleasure. Where’s Al Pacino when we need him?

  11. She needs to be indicted, frogmarched in cuffs, tried, convicted and sentenced in order to restore respect for law in this Country. No matter the political repercussions this needs to be done in order to show the nofos and lofos that the playing field has been leveled and no one is going to take a knee to honor the latest liberal bullshit; there’s a new referee in town.

  12. Hoffman and Pacino are, actually, the same guy.
    Never seen em together on stage, have you?

    There you are – proof positive.
    Or positive proof – which is it? – I always get em mixed up.

  13. Yes. But did you also know that 75% of registered voters, and 97% of those who actually claim to have voted for Drumpf, “strongly oppose” the federal government awarding me a one million dollar a year, lifetime pension, for Internet Trolling of Cultural Significance?

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