LA County Considers $1 Million in Taxpayer Funds to Help Illegals Fight Deportation – IOTW Report

LA County Considers $1 Million in Taxpayer Funds to Help Illegals Fight Deportation


Los Angeles County supervisors Janice Hahn and Hilda Solis are asking their colleagues to join them in setting aside $1 million in county funds that can be used to help illegal immigrants fight deportation.

It is estimated that LA County’s illegal immigrant population is over 800,000, and the $1 million in funding would come from taxpayers’ pockets.

MORE @ Breitbart

16 Comments on LA County Considers $1 Million in Taxpayer Funds to Help Illegals Fight Deportation

  1. I say we encourage at least $200M for this idea. I mean, really, what could possibly be more important to the white taxpaying public than spending their stolen taxes for illegal aliens? After Trump takes office and freezes all funds, those same white guilt ridden lame ass morons can starve with those illegals and no sane person will care. I like this, let us proceed with the taxation!

  2. That sounds like a great idea. That is if you’re intending to expedite the transition into Somalia.

    Liberal Logic-Michelle says someone is going to have to give up some of their pie so others can have pie…just make sure that pie shit doesn’t cause any problems with this year’s Hawaiian vaca, mmmmk?

  3. If allowed to continue on this course, eventually…inevitably…leftists will have to pass laws forcing certain people to continue working in order to pay taxes, or fining them so heavily if they attemp to leave that it will be cheaper to stay and be a slave.

  4. If the sun shriveled retards in California have so much extra tax money to waste why doesn’t the IRS impound it and pay for their half black homosexual King, all black transgender Queen, two Rent-a-Kids and various and sundry court jesters to vacation in Hawaii!

  5. Article III
    Section 3.

    Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.

    This is an overt act:
    Los Angeles County supervisors Janice Hahn and Hilda Solis are asking their colleagues to join them in setting aside $1 million in county funds that can be used to help illegal immigrants fight deportation.

    Try them. Convict them. Hang them.

  6. I hear they are going to send a space ship to mars in the near future for a permanent one way trip and set up a colony– I live in S. Cal. so this might be a good deal for me seeing how I am an old guy anyway what do I have to lose? I’d have a great view when this earth finally blows up from all the crap that has been happening……

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