Cat Fight! Loretta Lynch vs Hillary camp – IOTW Report

Cat Fight! Loretta Lynch vs Hillary camp


DailyCaller: Attorney General Loretta Lynch is defending the FBI against allegations that the bureau mishandled investigations of email hacks of Democrats and focused too much attention on Hillary Clinton’s private email server.

“I can tell you that this investigation was taken seriously from the beginning,” Lynch said in an interview with CNN that airs Sunday.

She was responding to complaints raised by Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta in an op-ed published by The Washington Post on Friday. Podesta, who had his Gmail account hacked during the campaign, argued that “something is deeply broken at the FBI.”

He pointed to reports that FBI investigators failed to warn Democratic National Committee officials last September after discovering that Russian hackers were attempting to infiltrate the party’s email systems. At the same time, Podesta noted, investigators were traveling the country to interview witnesses as part of the FBI’s probe into Clinton’s private email server.

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15 Comments on Cat Fight! Loretta Lynch vs Hillary camp

  1. “There once were two cats of Kilkenny,
    Each thought there was one cat too many,
    So they fought and they fit,
    And they scratched and they bit,
    Till, excepting their nails
    And the tips of their tails,
    Instead of two cats, there weren’t any.”

    If only!

  2. Do I sense the decay of liberal stench? The gnashing of democrat hate? The loss of socialistic camaraderie?

    Like millions of others…..I have paid dearly for this point in time.

  3. Yeah…wondering how the DOJ under Loretty managed to miss out on Puddles Podesta and the Pizzaring scandle… Looks like Loretty’s attention was diverted up the pair of Clinton anuses while the world imploded around them. I would include Barky Hussein’s anus too, but it stays busy with Reggie and other pecker(head)s.

  4. “I can tell you that this investigation was taken seriously from the beginning…”

    Yeah, if you’d have empanelled a Grand Jury from the beginning, we might have believed you. But you didn’t ever do that, so GFY.

  5. The FBI was right to prioritize Clinton over the Russians. The Russians hoped to find something useful they may have been able to use against us. Hillary, on the other hand, wanted to be elected just so she could inflict irreparable damage to the United States.

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