The Bitter Clingers – IOTW Report

The Bitter Clingers


The REAL Bitter Clingers!  Barack Obama once insulted Americans as being ‘bitter clingers.’ He said they clung to their guns, religion and anti-immigration sentiment as a way to express their frustrations. Hillary later referred to such Americans as ‘deplorable.’ These out of touch statements foreshadowed the election of Trump, because it revealed Hillary and Obama’s contempt for roughly fifty percent of Americans. It showed how the elite were actively working against those Americans who still want freedom and the Constitution. Hillary and Obama instead promoted gun control, an open hemisphere and bigger government.

The globalist oligarchy, including their corporate media arms, have now become the bitter clingers.  MORE

14 Comments on The Bitter Clingers

  1. I’ve a new Glock 43, now that bullet prices are dropping, and the communist in the house that used to be called white is leaving, I hope to get real familiar with it.
    Now the kalifornians need to oust their fascist.

    The electoral college did it’s job.

    We need a White House back to make America STRONG again.

    God Bless America!

  2. Great image. They came soooo close. Had Hillary won, it would have demographically sealed the deal. It’ll be a close thing anyway but maybe we can turn the ship away from the iceberg.

    You can forget about CA-they’re gone and not coming back in my lifetime.

  3. The Bitter Kingons.
    Hey, all I know is that on November 7th America finally told them to fuck-off.
    Then on Monday this week the Electors told these slo-learners the same thing once again as a result of attempting to subvert and overthrow a legal election process!
    Deal with it Rats! We’re tired of yer shit!

  4. The Biiter Clingers held on for eight years while their numbers were multiplied by Deplorables who were tired of being ignored and abused by the Fundamental Transformers led by an Omohamidan, which caused Hillary to be Trumped after Carlos Danger met his Weinerloo.

  5. One thing is for certain. The deals on guns and ammunition have been stellar this holiday shopping season. I think some of these outlets had been preparing for a Hillary election where they thought they could profit off her win. Only she didn’t win, so today I’m finding deep discounts on that Hillary inventory.

    I’m all set with the good stuff, I’m on the prowl now for 2 things I don’t need but really want. The first is an American made AK-47, the second is a CETME .308. I only want the CETME because I happened to pick up a bayonet for one, hows that for an excuse to buy a gun?

  6. Isn’t it amazing that the same party who accused the GOP of having a “cold war” mentality in the last elections suddenly think the Russians are hiding behind every rock and tree to screw with them?

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