Obama Is Trying to Ruin Health Care Again – IOTW Report

Obama Is Trying to Ruin Health Care Again

The 21st Century Cures Act was written largely by Big Pharma

LZ: In an attempt to salvage his legacy, President Obama has given us another 11th-hour, 1,000-page-law: the 21st Century Cures Act.

Much like Obamacare, I’m guessing few who voted for this bill ever read it. And much like Obamacare, now that Congress voted for it, the American people will read this — little by little, to find out what’s in it. And chances are it is full of pork.

The Cures Act increases funding for the National Institutes of Health and the “Moonshot” program for cancer research, requested by Joe Biden in honor of his son, Beau, who died of brain cancer last year. It also supports fighting the opioid addiction and devotes more funding to mental health care. These are important health care issues worthy of additional resources.

But that’s just the façade of the bill. There are questionable goals written throughout the lengthy legislation.

The 21st Century Cures Act had the input of over 1,455 lobbyists and was one of the most heavily lobbied bills in the 114th Congress. It included input from at least 78 pharmaceutical manufacturers, 24 device manufacturers, and 26 biotech companies. The Pharmaceutical Researchers and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), the trade group representing the pharmaceutical manufacturers industry, spent $24.7 million of its overall $30.3 million on lobbying for the act.


18 Comments on Obama Is Trying to Ruin Health Care Again

  1. $24.7 Million for lobbying or campaign contributions?
    Ryan and McConnell will play and betray if they’re paid.

    Placing themselves and their political careers before US Citizens is a pattern of the type of “leadership” of the past 8 years. They are guilty.

  2. @Mad Jack The Ryan House and the McConnell Senate

    Monster bills by their very nature are full of carve backs for those firms with good lobbyist, despite what might be good in this piece of legislation.

  3. Madjack – Well the short answer is the world’s largest collection of worthless, uneducated, uninformed, unemployed, barely aware, self-absorbed, celebrity-obsessed, dope-smoking, free-stuff-grabbing, media-influenced, Food-Stamp wielding, Escalade driving, Kool-Aid drinking, government-dependent, entitlement rich, busted-azz, short attention span, Obamaphone-carrying parasites, who won’t buy a belt and can’t process a sound bite over 10 seconds in length that doesn’t rhyme, enabled by another equally large collection of dumbed-down, self-absorbed, spoon-fed, celebrity-obsessed, White guilt-ridden, Birkenstock-wearing, bottled-water-drinking, Politically Correct, kumbaya-singing, Xanax-disabled Progressives with their heads full of mush firmly stuck up their collective asses watching the world thru their vaginas… all in lock-step with Stupid!

  4. I see on the link supplied by Andy’s dad my REPUBLICAN rep, Mike “the recepticle for big oil & ag” Conaway voted for it. Why am I not surprised?

    Also years ago when I lived in CO, Mike Coffman, a highly touted “real” conservative who actually stopped his political career several times to redeploy in Iraq, ran for Congress and won as a fiscal conservative after also having won election as CO Sec/State. He sought the support of TEA Party conservatives and promised to cut government.

    HAHAHAHA Jokes on us. He votes for crap like this all the time, actually called for Trump to step aside in OCTOBER! and has obviously been bought off. WTF happens to these people?

    I swear the RINOs are the fucking worst. Sickening. The list is packed with disgusting REGressives and plenty of Rs.

  5. “In an attempt to salvage his legacy”

    his legacy is what he created over the last 8 years and all his last minute pandering and corruption will not affect it.

    of course his legacy as I see it and what the msm say it is are going to be forever 2 different things.

    watch during thee next 4 years obama will have more msm questions asked of him than he did in 8 years as potus with his responses critizing everything trump and will be the only news broadcast.

  6. The FDA came about because of the Thalidomide drug which primarily affected Germans but caused horror worldwide. However, the FDA has not stopped dangerous drugs or drugs with serious side effects from coming to market. All it has done is give power to Post Office type clerks who become rich rolling out of the FDA to jobs in pharma or as lobbyists while passing the costs on in a double whammy of higher taxes to pay for the bureaucrats and higher drug prices to fund the regulation and lobbyists.

    Aspirin, penicillin, sulfa drugs and polio vaccine all came along BEFORE the FDA.

  7. Nothing Obama does will bring back the lives of those lost as a result of his illegal gun running operation that moved the weaponry of Libya through Benghazi and into the hands of the so called Syrian rebels who turned out to be Al-Qaeda. This whole thing needs to be investigated.

  8. “Congress voted for it”
    Every time you hear a Republican try to contrast himself from the Fraud Preznit, remember that obola only had a Dem controlled Congress for 2 yrs.
    The republicants did NOTHING to meaningfully oppose him. Damn them all.

  9. I­f yo­u­ wa­nt to­ sta­rt yo­u­r o­wn co­mpa­ny i­t wi­ll ta­ke a­ li­ttle mo­ney to­ get sta­rted a­nd o­n yo­u­r feet. Ba­nks pu­t ma­ny thi­ngs i­nto­ co­nsi­dera­ti­o­n when yo­u­ a­sk them fo­r mo­ney fo­r sta­rtu­p bu­si­ness lo­a­ns. Here a­re fi­ve o­f the mo­st i­mpo­rta­nt co­nsi­dera­ti­o­ns when yo­u­ wa­nt mo­ney fro­m a­ ba­nk fo­r a­ lo­a­n fo­r yo­u­r new co­mpa­ny.

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  10. I have a real difficult time getting past this statement,

    “requested by Joe Biden in honor of his son, Beau, who died of brain cancer last year.”

    How the hell does a Biden get brain cancer? Don’t you have to have a brain first?

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