Black Man Burned African-American Church, Painted ‘Vote Trump’ On The Walls – IOTW Report

Black Man Burned African-American Church, Painted ‘Vote Trump’ On The Walls

But first, the quote of the week:

“We do not believe it was politically motivated. There may have been some efforts to make it appear politically motivated,” Mississippi Insurance Commissioner Mike Chaney, who also serves as the state fire marshal, told The Associated Press.


AYFKM?  Read on:

DailyCaller: A black man has been arrested and charged with burning an African-American church in Greenville, Miss. last month and defacing its outer walls with “Vote Trump” graffiti.

The Mississippi state police arrested Andrew McClinton, 45, on Wednesday and charged him with first-degree arson of a place of worship, Warren Strain, a spokesman with the Mississippi Department of Public Safety told The Daily Caller.

McClinton allegedly set first to Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church, where he is a member, on Nov. 1, a week before the election. The fire destroyed 80 percent of the church. A GoFundMe account raised more than $240,000 to repair the facility.


SNIP: I can’t wait to hear Obama’s excuse.

18 Comments on Black Man Burned African-American Church, Painted ‘Vote Trump’ On The Walls

  1. Out back in my garage and buried deep beyond finding several years ago is a word I thought I would never need nor utter ever again. I’m considering digging it up out of necessity. I’ve actually forgotten the actual word but it’s something like … trigger .. bigger… no, that’s not it ….. I’ll know it when I see it. I’ll be back sometime before the second coming.

  2. My own Pastor posted the original story on facebook days before the election along with the quote:”Pray, pray, pray these last days before the election… and then after for our country.”

  3. KMHendu — Exactly right. When any means at all justifies the ends you’re in sociopath territory. Just look at all those who took a measly $50.00 to show up at a Trump rally to beat up his supporters and rally attenders. Leftism’s creed “The ends justifies the means” is pure pathology. This is what the Left teaches, and that includes many of our kids’ kindergarten through college indoctrinators.

  4. Just bringing back the old playbook from the 90’s when Clinton was running for President. All these church burnings and Clinton saying they would pay to have these churches fixed.

    But we all knew who was responsible.

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