Emanuel releases private emails, ending court fight – IOTW Report

Emanuel releases private emails, ending court fight

Chicago Sun Times : After fighting in court to keep his private email accounts completely concealed from public view, Mayor Rahm Emanuel on Wednesday released a trove of messages from throughout his nearly six years in office and announced a new city ban on using private email to conduct official business.

chicago sun times
chicago sun times

The records released by his administration showed Emanuel has frequently used a private Gmail account and another personal, unofficial email address — mayor_re@rahmemail.com — to communicate with top aides, business leaders, political supporters, national media figures and others who wanted to discuss city government with him.

Emanuel’s reversal followed more than a year of litigation to stonewall Freedom of Information requests filed by the Better Government Association and the Chicago Tribune.

The lengthy legal battle was contrary to Emanuel’s campaign promise to shine the light on city government and run a transparent administration.  MORE

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