Obama is now feeling butt-hurt by Gay Activists – IOTW Report

Obama is now feeling butt-hurt by Gay Activists

DC: In a recent interview with The Atlantic’s Ta-Nehisi Coates, President Barack Obama, who in 2008 said he was “not in favor of gay marriage,” expressed frustration with the “gay activists,” who he says pestered him throughout his presidency.

obama cry

Obama criticized the lack of “awareness” among LGBT activists, suggesting that both they and immigration reform activists would not have criticized him if they had done “sufficient homework” on the issues they were protesting, adding later those activists made him feel “a little bit hurt.”

11 Comments on Obama is now feeling butt-hurt by Gay Activists

  1. I have said this before, on that fateful November Tuesday in 2008 California Prop 8 passed by a fairly narrow margin. Reports were that the black community, which came out in droves to elect the first black (well…) president was also the deciding factor in changing the CA Constitution to say that marriage was between a man and a woman. Because as it turns out blacks tend to be far more conservative than hippies when it comes to religious values. And the outrage and racist statements from the gay supporters were everywhere. I remember specifically how embarrassed my gay coworker was that blacks were being attacked so viciously.
    So it wouldn’t surprise me in the least that gays aren’t thrilled with 0bama, even if they give him a thrill.

  2. Again, it some else’s fault. They just didn’t do their home work. Has this fucker ever copped to a single GD thing in his entire life. Because if he has, I sure would like to have seen it.

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