Joe Plans to Join the Ivy League After Leaving Office – IOTW Report

Joe Plans to Join the Ivy League After Leaving Office

DMF: Vice President Joe Biden will “set up shop” at the prestigious University of Pennsylvania when he leaves office in January. As we all remember, Barack Obama tagged Biden with the job of curing cancer last year, and launched his “cancer moonshot” initiative at Penn’s Abramson Cancer Center in January.
“We’re ecstatic over the possibility of Joe Biden coming to campus,” Penn Democrats President and College sophomore Rachel Pomerantz said. “We have a lot of Joe Biden fans.” No word if Biden will be invited to be an honorary frat boy or not. more

11 Comments on Joe Plans to Join the Ivy League After Leaving Office

  1. Just who is it that determines that U of P is a prestigious University? Any university hat would have Crazy Joe involved with them is an institution of ill repute!

  2. Joe is old, a world-class prevaricator, he takes credit for other people’s work (shameless), stupid, and should never be trusted around minors–females, but who knows.
    UPenn is certainly acting stupidly here, or else it’s time to investigate their finances.

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