❤️ A Merry Christmas To Our Troops! 💚 – IOTW Report

❤️ A Merry Christmas To Our Troops! 💚


10 Comments on ❤️ A Merry Christmas To Our Troops! 💚

  1. May they be treated fairly by the new administration
    and not ridden into the ground by bullshit political
    correctness. Where the fuck are their pay raises?

    A retired submariner.

  2. While not in the military, I have 4 family members in Germany.
    Come January my wife will be joining them, not Marines but the Corp none the less.
    Never thought I would ever have this worry about Germany, current events have proven otherwise.
    Daddy isn’t happy, but supportive.

  3. My son spent the entirety of last Christmas with his face in the mud at Boot Camp. This Christmas is in Okinawa assigned to “Company Duty”. He Snapped a couple of videos of he and some fellow devil dogs enjoying their brief festivities. Thank you, Son, for your service.

  4. P.S. My son specifically enlisted after college into the Infantry….the videos he posted were of Marines in various stages of undress and these young men are FIT! Gave this old gal quite a smile 😜

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