Wealthy de Blasio Crony Caught Getting Food Stamps Illegally – IOTW Report

Wealthy de Blasio Crony Caught Getting Food Stamps Illegally

DailyCaller: A religious leader and big-time fundraiser for Democratic New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has been charged with welfare fraud for getting around $30,000 in food stamps.

Yitzchok “Isaac” Sofer, a Hasidic religious leader, hosted a fundraiser for de Blasio’s 2013 mayoral campaign at the same time he was receiving food stamps illegally.

During an FBI investigation, agents found that Sofer has been on food stamps since the beginning of 2010, and received more than $30,000 in benefits from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) since 2012, according to court documents unsealed Thursday.

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10 Comments on Wealthy de Blasio Crony Caught Getting Food Stamps Illegally

  1. “I have always depended on the generosity of strangers (Dimwits change to “taxes” of the working class).

    Wake up America – these parasites are everywhere!

    I bet he goft an obam-a phon touff.

  2. The hasidim are exceedingly corrupt and vote as a group for dem candidates. They are adept at using religion as a cover and smokescreen for their crimes. You do not want them as neighbors. They have perfected tax evasion as nearly all the men are rabbis and their fetid domiciles are “religious institutions”.

  3. Reason #1 that the gov’t shouldn’t be in the Free-Shit business.
    All of these “programs for the poor” are smokescreens for corruption.
    Same with “education.”
    Same with “green energy.”
    Same with “outreach.”
    One giant, greasy, scam … steal from the taxpayers, give to the corrupt-o-crats … and don’t fool yourselves – they’re on BOTH sides of the aisle.

    izlamo delenda est …

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