County Ends ‘Sanctuary’ Policy Before Trump Inauguration – IOTW Report

County Ends ‘Sanctuary’ Policy Before Trump Inauguration

Breitbart: A New York sheriff has announced that it will be reversing its sanctuary policy just ahead of President-Elect Donald Trump’s inauguration.

Suffolk County Sheriff Vincent DeMarco announced that his county will no longer demand a judge’s order before detaining an illegal immigrant wanted by federal immigration officials, a major shift away from its previous sanctuary city policy, according to Newsday.

DeMarco said his policy reversal is not because of the incoming Trump administration’s expected legal fight against sanctuary city policies. Instead, he said the shift came after careful “legal analysis.”

Already, between December 1 and December 21, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) had taken seven illegal immigrants into custody who were living in Suffolk County.

DeMarco echoed Trump’s call to deport illegal immigrants who have been accused and convicted of crimes in the country, saying “I do believe this is good public policy because it focuses on criminals.”  more

8 Comments on County Ends ‘Sanctuary’ Policy Before Trump Inauguration

  1. If a person didn’t come to the country legally, or over-stayed a visa or whatever, then they are in the country illegally and thus a criminal.

    If the public policy was to focus on criminals, then the public policy would be to deport all of them.

    This sheriff is really talking about those who commit “additional” crimes beyond the crime they already committed by being in the country illegally.

    Dipshit! They are all criminals by definition!

  2. DeMarco said his policy reversal is not because of the incoming Trump administration’s expected legal fight against sanctuary city policies. Instead, he said the shift came after careful “legal analysis.”


  3. I think the reversal is because he knows someone has his back. Lorette lynch and the justice dept. have lost the clout.
    Expect to see more from ICE, Boarder Patrol, Immigration and other sheriffs.
    But we do need to go after the rat fuck superiors and administrators that walked the goose step with Obama.

  4. Hello Sheriff Vincent DeMarco, I suggest you either read up on public law 82-414 ( The Walter-McCarran Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 ) and Title 8. Those two citations are the foundation of immigration law in our country. Either that or have someone with a Juris Doctor explain what exactly immigration law is to you. Oh and why don’t you try to do something about the MS-13 problem on Long Island?

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