LGBT Magazine Adds Disclaimer After MILO, Mike Pence Lead Person of the Year Poll – IOTW Report

LGBT Magazine Adds Disclaimer After MILO, Mike Pence Lead Person of the Year Poll

Breitbart:   LGBTQ Nation has written a disclaimer after discovering that Breitbart’s resident gay thot MILO was in the lead for their LGBT Person of the Year poll.

“The LGBTQ Nation Person of the Year 2016 poll has only been open one week and already there is a clear leader: Milo Yiannopoulos,” declared LGBTQ Nation in the article. “It should be noted ‘Person of the Year’ isn’t an award or necessarily the recognition of someone beloved, but rather the result of an unscientific survey.”

“In short, it’s a popularity contest, not unlike those that chose singers to be ‘American Idols.’ The person or persons receiving the most votes by the contest’s end will be named LGBTQ Nation Person of the Year 2016,” they concluded.

LGBTQ Nation also revealed that Vice President-elect Mike Pence is currently in second place to win the LGBT Person of the Year recognition, followed by the survivors and families of the Pulse nightclub Islamic terrorist attack, Ellen DeGeneres, and Hamilton’s Lin-Manuel Miranda.  MORE

11 Comments on LGBT Magazine Adds Disclaimer After MILO, Mike Pence Lead Person of the Year Poll

  1. Roy Cohn was conservative and gay. He was the famous lawyer on the staff of Sen Joseph McCarthy who went after the proven Soviet Communist spies infesting the Army and State depts under Frank Roosevelts and Trumans watches.

    He also famously said he was dead set against gays being allowed to teach in k-12, saying that he was molested as a child and thats what swung him gay.

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