Reid bemoans Democrats’ lineup of 2020 presidential candidates – calls it an ‘old folks home’ – IOTW Report

Reid bemoans Democrats’ lineup of 2020 presidential candidates – calls it an ‘old folks home’

CFP: We’ve spent quite a bit of time talking about the ugly reality facing today’s Democrats.  As a political force, they’ve essentially been decimated by the Obama years.  Following Hillary Clinton’s implosion, they hold a historically small number of seats at the federal, state, and local levels. They’re facing an absolutely brutal 2018 midterm map, their “bench” is embarrassingly shallow, and (so far) fresh faces are nowhere to be found.

old man  get off my lawn

As they restore old-timers like Nancy Pelosi to positions of power, one must wonder: Do they understand that they’ve become the “small regional party of elderly white people?”

Yesterday, we saw a couple of signs that suggested they had.  Today we have another.

As Harry Reid wanders off into the Las Vegas sunset, he’s trashing his own party’s 2020 possibilities – referring to the line-up of potential candidates as “an old folks home.”  MORE

15 Comments on Reid bemoans Democrats’ lineup of 2020 presidential candidates – calls it an ‘old folks home’

  1. Mental Midget Harry Reid attacks own party.
    A dinosaur finds the age of demo candidates offensive.
    The younger, smart and anti socialist candidates turned to the republican party about 2 decades decade ago, the rest since Obama’s Marxist initiatives.

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