Spain: Snipers and armed police to guard public areas amid jihad terror fears – IOTW Report

Spain: Snipers and armed police to guard public areas amid jihad terror fears

“And prepare against them whatever you are able of power and of steeds of war by which you may strike terror in the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them whom you do not know whom Allah knows.” (Qur’an 8:60)


This is the future of the West as long as it keeps importing massive numbers of Muslim migrants, among whom will inevitably be an unknowable number of Islamic jihadis. Are European countries going to continue to import the problem and then deploy snipers and armed guards to deal with it?


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4 Comments on Spain: Snipers and armed police to guard public areas amid jihad terror fears

  1. Dunno if anyone has noticed it nationwide, but many of the gas stations in my extremely rural area are owned by – you guessed it – Muslims, and not folks from India. An irony or is it ominous? Almost dropped a dime to the FBI a few years ago when a car with New York plates showed up here at a station I frequent that a friend managed. Soon after they bought it, my friend was fired, and they don’t hire local talent for the most part anymore. This has happened here a few times.

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