She’s a real Cowgirl – IOTW Report

She’s a real Cowgirl

OC:   Girl Turns to Cow Riding After Being Denied a Horse.

Sarah and Lilac
Sarah and Lilac

After being told that she could have a horse because they were too expensive, 11-year-old Sarah Simpson, decided to try the next best thing – riding a cow. Now 18, Sarah has her own horse, but she still rides her favorite cow, Lilac, just as much, if not more than she used to.

Sarah had been dreaming of having her own horse for as long as she can remember, but after her parents told her that buying one was to expensive, she discovered that riding a cow could be just as fun. It all started when her younger brother, Tim, dared her to try it, and even though she had no riding experience, she jumped on Lilac, a 6-months-old calf living on the family farm. The animal didn’t seem to mind, so she kept on doing it for the last six and a half years.  MORE

12 Comments on She’s a real Cowgirl

  1. It worked for Mongo in “Blazing Saddles”. Good for her!

    Lots of oxen are still pulling plows and wagons all over the Third World. Ornery but unstoppable if you can get them started.

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