Speaker Paul Ryan Looks to New Term, Rep. Nancy Pelosi Awaits Revolt Aftershocks – IOTW Report

Speaker Paul Ryan Looks to New Term, Rep. Nancy Pelosi Awaits Revolt Aftershocks

Breitbart: Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R.-Wis.) is the Republican nominee for Speaker of the House for Tuesday’s election, facing the challenge by Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.), whose own nomination victory in November was not always certain.

Pelosi was challenged for the nomination by Rep. Timothy J. Ryan (D.-Ohio), a traditional Democrat, who took the fight to Pelosi inside the House Democratic Caucus, losing 134-63 in a vote delayed until Nov. 30.

The day of the vote, there was a furious whipping of Democratic congressmen, and going into the vote, Ryan’s people thought they had the commitments to make it so close that Pelosi would step aside — recognizing that she did not have the confidence of the caucus. But, unlike Hillary R. Clinton’s “Blue Wall,” Pelosi held on to her leadership team, the Black Congressional Caucus, female House Democrats, and all but a handful of 39 congressmen from the California delegation.   MORE

8 Comments on Speaker Paul Ryan Looks to New Term, Rep. Nancy Pelosi Awaits Revolt Aftershocks

  1. politicians like pelosi, mcCain, grahm, clinton, obama, ryan, boehner, etc, are the reason other countries think most Americans are stupid.

    and I for one couldn’t agree more.

  2. Corruption is rampantly epidemic in DC and, particularly, in the Demonrat Caucus.

    The Demonrats didn’t rally behind Pelosi because they like her or are loyal to her – they voted for her because she delivers $ Billions to her cronies, sycophants, donors, and hangers-on. And, with Ryan as Speaker and McConnell as Majority Leader, the Gravy Train will – not only continue – but pick up speed.

    They will continue to steal until We, the People, make them stop.

    izlamo delenda est …

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