Biden tells McCain: ‘I’m so glad you ran again’ – IOTW Report

Biden tells McCain: ‘I’m so glad you ran again’

AmericanMirror: A hot mic exchange between Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. John McCain today may leave some wondering just whose side each is on.

After Biden gave the oath of office to McCain, and the senator’s family approached for a photo, the two engaged in small talk.

“Thank God you’re here, John,” Biden told McCain. “I’m so glad you ran again.”

“Thank you, we love you,” McCain said in return.

Biden then moved in for a kiss and some close talk with Cindy McCain.  Watch

SNIP: Thanks a lot,  Arizona.

22 Comments on Biden tells McCain: ‘I’m so glad you ran again’

  1. What in the hell is wrong with Arizona voters? McCainnedy should have been tossed out on his worthless commie ass years ago. Dip shit prides himself on making life miserable for conservatives. We might as well have Durbin or Reid in our column.

  2. “may leave some wondering just whose side each is on”

    Doubtful. Those that care about jersey colors — which excludes the deplorable cynics that don’t believe in Good Government™, and the hopeful changers that believe in Free Stuff™ — don’t have enough brain cells left over for “wonder”. Drooling confusion, maybe. But not wonder.

  3. Trump will have to deal with some snakes in the GOP woodpile. The good thing is that up to now McCain, McConnell and a few others have enjoyed an almost immunity from real criticism but with Trump running the show they better watch their steps else they find their state organisations suddenly turning their back on them.

  4. They should read that a little slower…
    I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God

  5. Liberals have been gushing over McCain since he gave such a gracious concession speech in 2008. Or maybe before that, who knows .. or cares? Just don’t pat the guy on his back too hard. His teeth will fly out.

  6. Yeah, old Joe “unsolmnized” the oath in fast order like it was no big deal. Hiya buddy, come on let’s get this shit over with, I need a drink. Good old stupid Joe. Phuckem both!

  7. He’s been “outed” as a GOPe RINO since the McCain-Feingold Act of 2002.
    And there are stories out there that he wasn’t that hot of a pilot either.
    Ossified dinosaur turd.

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