Dem Rep Tells Tucker His Son Can Get Out Of Obamacare If He Never Has Kids – IOTW Report

Dem Rep Tells Tucker His Son Can Get Out Of Obamacare If He Never Has Kids

Daily Caller: A heated debate between Tucker Carlson and Rep. Jim Himes on Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight” Wednesday night ended with the Connecticut Democrat telling the Fox News host his son doesn’t have to pay for maternity care as long as he agrees to never have children.
“Your argument is disingenuous,” Himes shot at Carlson, prompting the Daily Caller founder to laugh and respond, “no it’s not.”

Why can’t they just buy catastrophic plans that suite their needs,” Carlson shot back at Himes. “Because they’re subsidizing other people who lobbied you and every other member of Congress, the Democrats, with money to include all of this stuff they don’t need.”


15 Comments on Dem Rep Tells Tucker His Son Can Get Out Of Obamacare If He Never Has Kids

  1. Turn blast furnace heat on these moronic shitpickles.

    Mandate that congresscriminals be bound to obullshitcare and that they owe the last 6 years premiums, with penalty and interest!

  2. I watched it, much the poorer for those misspent minutes.
    Every time he said anything, stupid poured out.
    He has absolutely no idea of how it works, why should he, he has a ‘Cadillac’ policy paid for my the taxpayers.

    BTW, Tucker got Meagains 9pm slot.

  3. Post-menopausal women and other women who can’t have children still have to pay for maternity care so this Dumbocrat is FOS. Why does everyone have to have coverage for “gender reassignment”. I am not now, nor do I ever intend to become “transgender”. Other things I will never need insurance coverage for include drug rehab, counseling, or mental hospital stays.

    Not to be a dick, but why do healthy, non-fucked up people have to subsidize the mentally ill and alcohol/drug abusing losers?

  4. Oh, and Tucker Carlson’s son will never, ever, NEVER need maternity care. No man ever in the history of the world has ever needed maternity care. Men don’t get pregnant. Sheesh! And they say conservatives are anti-science.

  5. I’m canceling my insurance soon. I simply can’t afford it. I guess my mammograms and maternity costs will be expenses I’ll just have to live with. Oh well. I’m livid with Democrats for fucking up my health care. I wish horrible ailments on anyone who supports obamacare.

  6. The whole thing should be outlawed based on the fact that this scam was all sold (foisted) on the American people based on a complete pack of lies!
    Obamacare will save $2500.00 dolars per year.
    If you like your insurance that you have, you can keep it.
    If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.
    A textbook case of Bait & Switch that is clearly illegal and should be repealed.

  7. It is illegal despite the Supreme Court ludicrously supporting the MANDATE to purchase insurance.

    For those (Roberts) that ruled so, I’d like to plow salt in all property that they own, including their foreheads.

    BTW, will will ever get an acknowledgement that Scalia was murdered ?

  8. Justice Scalia was murdered on orders of Barky and Cankles, who thought they could ram left winger loonies onto the SCOTUS. They must be charged, tried, and if convicted, maximum sentence carried out, no pardons, no paroles..just death!

  9. If there is no justice for Scalia there won’t be any for the rest of us for a long long time.
    Plus, I really liked him, his intelligence, integrity, competence and humor.

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