Senate Dems Attacking Trump’s HHS Nominee Also Own Health Care Stocks – IOTW Report

Senate Dems Attacking Trump’s HHS Nominee Also Own Health Care Stocks

DailyCaller: At least three Democratic senators own significant health care industry stocks that could undermine their Senate leadership’s push against the nomination of Rep. Tom Price, President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee as Secretary of Health and Human Services, The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group has learned.

Price, a Georgia Republican, has been harshly criticized by Democrats for owning up to $300,000 worth of stocks in major health care companies like Aetna, Amgen, Athena Health, Eli Lilly and Pfizer. Price has been among the most vocal Obamacare critics in Congress.

Top Senate Democrats attempted Thursday to put additional pressure on the Price nomination by requesting an Office of Congressional Ethics inquiry to determine if Price broke any laws by owning the stock.

But the attack on Price could be blunted by the three Democratic senators also owning significant stock in health care firms. The Democrats’ ownership interests were listed in Senate financial disclosure forms reviewed by TheDCNF.


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