Nobody knows the trouble she’s seen – IOTW Report

Nobody knows the trouble she’s seen

PatriotRetort: Poor Michelle Obama.



Nobody knows just how hard her life has been over the last eight years.

At least that’s what she told Oprah.

“People don’t really understand how hard this is,” she kvetched.

Oh, boo hoooooooo

Michelle’s life has been sooooooo hard!

Nobody knows the trouble she’s seen.
Nobody knows but Michelle.

I don’t know how she can say “people don’t really understand how hard this is.”

The woman has been complaining and bitching for eight years.

She compared living in the White House to being in a prison for Pete’s sake.

I’m sure spending eight years traveling the world courtesy of the American taxpayer is super hard, Michelle.


19 Comments on Nobody knows the trouble she’s seen

  1. She pissed and moened about how racist the US is and how evil rich people and Republicans were during Obama’s first campaign. Then she complained about not being able to shop at Target and on and on.
    She’s just a professional bitcher.

  2. Yes it was so hard having 10 handmaidens and who knows how many other assistants, every kind of exotic food imaginable while jet setting all over the world. Yes life is so hard for you Moochell.

  3. We could make them all billionaires, give them private jets, fly them to Switzerland to buy handbags more expensive than my work truck, and they’ll STILL bitch about being victims of racism. It never ends, and their intention is that it never will. Screw them

  4. It’s a new era — I’m defending Michelle Obama.

    The hardest thing you’ve ever done, is the hardest thing you’ve ever done — even if you’re the wife of a Nobel Prize gifted President Emeritus.

  5. A crap president, a shrew first lady and a wild Malaria, it’s a trifecta.
    At least B & M are made for each other, they are both poor examples.
    They did one thing, all the useless dregs now believe they can indeed become President.

  6. Yeah, private plane, security, multiple vacations per year anywhere in the world, stay at the best hotels, eat the best food, and all of it paid for by the American public. Sure, she’s had is soooooo rough.

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