Donald Trump May Be More Ike Than Reagan – IOTW Report

Donald Trump May Be More Ike Than Reagan

LZ: Eisenhower was tough on immigration, revamped American infrastructure, and took on corruption in Washington.

A Republican president who never held elected office wins by running against waste and corruption in Washington, carrying states GOP nominees don’t normally win — then deports illegal immigrants, takes American infrastructure to new heights, rattles defense contractors and fills his Cabinet with former CEOs and generals.

That Republican president was Dwight Eisenhower.

Supporters of President-Elect Donald Trump have routinely compared him to President Ronald Reagan, particularly since winning. Then again, Republicans compared President George W. Bush to Reagan.


8 Comments on Donald Trump May Be More Ike Than Reagan

  1. Eisenhower was the only living president my father ever praised.
    He served under him in two theaters during WWII, then again in occupied Germany.
    Ike is spinning in his grave over what Colombia has become.
    Dad was quite reticent with any praise, that’s good enough for me.

  2. Excellent article. I like that it mentioned HOW the illgal alien bloodsuckers were deported – via ship and sailed way fuckin’ south to the southern reaches of Mexico in order to make it harder for the illegal alien bloodsuckers to go north and try again.

    Some pearl-clutching asshole put out an article saying that deporting illegals would be too expensive. Probably a Concern Troll hoping that negative nellyism would forestall the deportation process before it got started. But right now they are deported by plane or bus to the nearest Mexican spot they can dump them off at. Of course that’s expensive. Use some old troopships out of the mothball fleet – some really rusted-out shitbuckets with no lifejackets – and slow-steam these muthafuckas south. I’d prefer south to Cape Horn but Tierra Del Fuego will do in a pinch. And here’s the reply the ConcernTroll should have gotten – deporting the illegal bloodsuckers might be expensive but allowing them to stay is ten times more expensive to us taxpayers. Look at the cost to our court systems, school systems, hospitals (“no tengo dinero”), law enforcement, insurance industry (high auto premiums dictated by all the no-insurance drunk driving beaners), and worst of all – stealing jobs from our American citizens.

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