Snowflakes plan Inauguration Day walkout. Nobody cares. – IOTW Report

Snowflakes plan Inauguration Day walkout. Nobody cares.

PatriotRetort: I happened across a post from Campus Reform after shoveling the wee bit of snow we got last night and I actually laughed out loud.

Apparently Socialist college students (is there any other kind?) across the country plan to stage a walkout on January 20th.


Who the hell knows?

It’s not like college students skipping their classes is going to disrupt America’s economy or threaten national security.

In fact, other than a crop of overpaid teachers having some free time on their hands, who’s going to notice?

This bit of self-indulgent drama is being staged by The National Student Walkout Against Bigotry & Hate.

Wow. That sure flows off the tongue, doesn’t it?  MORE

20 Comments on Snowflakes plan Inauguration Day walkout. Nobody cares.

  1. I have said it, will keep saying it: Progs have no self awareness, it’s like a psychopath who has no empathy, they just aren’t wired right. Trying to run an AC brain with a DC heart.
    What’s next, a hunger strike?

  2. They’re gonna stage “a walkout”?? OK, then, kids, take a long, looong walk off a very short pier!! And don’t wear any life vests, either. That’ll be fewer progtards loose in the population.

  3. To call it a “walkout” implies that they have to show up somewhere, then stand up together and walk out (for effect and photo-ops). Is this event, rather, a no-show day, i.e. sleep in & don’t go to classes? I’m thinking the latter. This is the group that doesn’t know who the VP is, what the Revolutionary War was, and signs on to ridiculous petitions.

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