The Social “Cost” of Carbon is a Positive – IOTW Report

The Social “Cost” of Carbon is a Positive

PickeringPost: Nothing better illustrates the stupidity and evil intent of Green philosophy than their promotion of a mythical guesstimate called the “social cost of carbon” (SCC). They use this bureaucratic weapon to demonise the fabulous fossil fuels that deliver food, heat, light and power to the modern world.

green is the new red

Let’s consider life before coal, oil and gas were harnessed.
There was no steel and no cars, tractors, trucks, trains, planes or electric power. It was a world of sulkies, sailing boats and sun-dried food. Hunters used bows and spears, farmers used oxen and wooden ploughs and threshed grain with wooden flails. Half of all crops grown went to feed draft animals.  MORE



8 Comments on The Social “Cost” of Carbon is a Positive

  1. It is a favorite tactic of collectivists/statists to look only at one side of the ledger. Whenever you hear or read about costs, especially “social” costs, always look for the benefits, and vice versa. Generally, you’ll find that the benefits flow to the collectivists, and the costs are “socialized” or spread around with the hope nobody will notice the personal couple of bucks. But always multiply those couple of bucks by the number of individuals dunned for them.

  2. Carbon is THE building block of all life.
    Plant life, animal life, mineral … uh … there ain’t no mineral life, is there?

    The “Greens” (who are, actually, the flotsam and jetsam of Soviet Socialism) hate and despise all life, everything good, everything wholesome, everything decent – in short – everything that has been bequeathed by God. They are Godless (small s) satanists who are so consumed by their hatred of God, and their overwhelming obsession with supplanting Him, that violence and destruction are their only recourse.
    The cannot be reasoned with, they cannot be negotiated with, and they cannot be converted because their blind fury and hatred of God makes them belittle Man – so that they are patently dishonest in all their dealings.
    “At any cost” – is their mantra. They will lie, cheat, steal, kill, bomb, destabilize, crush, oppress, pervert, make alliance with izlam, the Satanists, the Mob – whoever and whatever will further their aims.
    “The more innocent they are, the more they deserve to die.”
    (pretty much sums up the socialist worldview)

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Only the left and the ecoweenies could turn a positive into a negative. They are truly watermelons, green on the outside and red in the middle. I for one will not live under their rules which they try to impose on us for the good of all mankind. That’s just for the kulaks whom they despise and want to eliminate.

  4. The industralized world runs on fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are responsible for a huge % of our progress, wealth, prosperity, enjoyment, and comfort. it takes an absolute psychotic dumbass to think they are somehow evil, or that CO2 is somehow a pollutant and is going to send the global climate system into some catastrophic state.

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