Speculation Over Possible Obama Pardon of Edward Snowden, Bowe Bergdahl and Chelsea Manning – IOTW Report

Speculation Over Possible Obama Pardon of Edward Snowden, Bowe Bergdahl and Chelsea Manning

Breitbart: Barack Obama has been very busy pardoning a growing list of drug dealers, domestic terrorists, killers, and other criminals as his last days in office wind down, but so far he has pardoned neither Edward Snowden, Bowe Bergdahl nor Chelsea Manning – and speculation is now focused on these names as possible beneficiaries of Obama’s overheated pen.

Already President Obama has overtaken the single-day record by pardoning 78 and commuting the sentencing of another 153 criminals, most of whom are in jail for drug trafficking.

Despite that we are living through an epidemic of opioid drug overdoses and deaths across the nation, Obama freed or gave clemency to dozens of criminals convicted of manufacturing and selling illicit drugs including crack cocaine, heroin, and more. Thousands of dollars in fines owed by these criminals were also excused.

But there is a large number of people petitioning for Obama’s favors, among them the three notorious figures most currently in the news: Snowden, Bergdahl, and Manning, The Daily Mail notes.  MORE

18 Comments on Speculation Over Possible Obama Pardon of Edward Snowden, Bowe Bergdahl and Chelsea Manning

  1. So, how many of those “drug traffickers” were also guilty of violent crimes like assault, but plea bargained down to just the “drug” offense? In other words, many of these drug offenders may also be violent criminals released back to prey on society.

  2. It is obvious that Obama really hates the American people. I am suspecting he also hates himself. He knows he is an all-around failure, and he sees that as our fault — we wouldn’t let him do things or were too ignorant to see his vision. His frustration feeds his anger. How quick will his “friends” be to give him the approval and back-pats he needs after he leaves office?


  3. Let him. Nothing would point out what a cur this man is then pardoning those three. The Clintons sold pardons and there is no reason to think this bastard isn’t so I would hope that some group is looking deeply into the people he is pardoning and just as importantly the ones they’re denying. Maybe the one’s getting the pardons are the ones with money. Follow it.

  4. I find it such a travesty that prisoners are getting sex change operations at government expense, while our vets are ignored. Sorry, seeing that creep manning on the list ticks me off immensely.

    Why don’t we see Hillary on that list. Obama hated her guts, but he hates America more, and his spite will add her and the Clinton mafia to his list of pardons. Maybe he’s saving her for last, like toilet paper after a bout of projectile diarrhea.

  5. Well everybody knows why the prisons are full of Black people. Police discriminate!!
    That’s why, in all his dreamed-up, narcissistic “greatness” (just axe him, he’ll tell ya), he’s going to free all the Blacks in prison with his new program:
    “If Yer Black, Yer Back”… on the streets that is.
    It’s his idea of being the new Lincoln.
    Hey Barry! Yer no Lincoln.
    Yer just a Ford with lockwashers!

  6. Every day he has left to pull all these criminal acts is the same number of days Congress has left to IMPEACH his traitorous ass.

    I would stop resenting their salaries/bennies/perks if they would just DO THEIR JOBS (and their sworn Duty).

  7. Pardons are revocable at will.

    People forget that fact, and the MSM deliberately misrepresents it.

    Any “pardon” that POTUS 44 issues now, POTUS 45 can revoke at any time.

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