FBI Quietly Releases 300 Pages Of Hillary Clinton Investigation Records – IOTW Report

FBI Quietly Releases 300 Pages Of Hillary Clinton Investigation Records



The FBI quietly released nearly 300 pages of records from its investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email server on Sunday night.

This is the fifth release of Clinton investigation records from the FBI. The documents deal with the handling of computer hardware collected from Clinton’s lawyers for the investigation and also contain emails from FBI officials discussing the classification of Clinton’s emails.

See them here

8 Comments on FBI Quietly Releases 300 Pages Of Hillary Clinton Investigation Records

  1. Since we now know it was the Russians and not the FBI who made Hillary lose, why can’t the FBI just do their friggin’ job now and prosecute the witch? It’s clear that there’s plenty to justify an indictment.

    Otherwise Trump can close the FBI along with the Energy Dept, neither is accomplishing their mission.

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