Iran Spends Nuclear Deal Money on Troops, Missiles, Arms for Terrorists – IOTW Report

Iran Spends Nuclear Deal Money on Troops, Missiles, Arms for Terrorists


Critics of the Iranian nuclear deal charged that the Obama administration was not sufficiently concerned with how Iran would spend the money from its post-sanctions windfall. Evidently, departing President Obama and his team thought domestic political pressures would oblige the Iranian government to invest more heavily in constructive economic pursuits.

Reuters reports that, on the contrary, Iran is looking forward to more military spending, including more funding for ballistic missile tests that were supposed to be banned by the nuclear deal.  – MORE

8 Comments on Iran Spends Nuclear Deal Money on Troops, Missiles, Arms for Terrorists

  1. Obama and his administration knew exactly what the Iranians would do with the pallets of US dollars, gold, silver and the recently released Uranium yo Iran.

    Just like obama knew what ISIS would do with all the financial, arms and material support, just as the muslim terrorists did in Egypt, Yemen, Libya and the Palestinian territory.

    This isn’t incompetence, it’s treason.
    The enemy is within our gates, figuratively and literally.

  2. Cato, That is the title of the book I
    am reading by Trevor Loudon a Kiwi from
    down under that knows more about America
    than most Americans.Documents ALL the commies.

  3. With all this Obamaaid to Iran it makes you wonder just what the Israelis are thinking. You’d think the Mossad would have a plan by now to even the score. Obama ishoing to be looking over his shoulder for the rest of his life.

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