Florida: 70 y-o woman arrested for prostitution in undercover sting – IOTW Report

Florida: 70 y-o woman arrested for prostitution in undercover sting

A senior citizen was arrested at a Florida massage parlor after an undercover sting, the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office said in a report.

Sun Hee Gribat, 70, was arrested Tuesday at Jax Therapy after she offered a sex act after a massage, JSO said.   – Story at Palm Beach Post.

SNIP: I keep reading woman, but I’m seeing ‘man’.

21 Comments on Florida: 70 y-o woman arrested for prostitution in undercover sting

  1. how many illegals went unmolested while the cops were arresting a 70 year old prostitute?

    how much crime did they really remove from the street for the resources spent?

    of course we can’t round up and deport millions of illegals because we don’t have the resources. our resources are too busy busting 70 year old prostitutes and handing out speeding tickets.

  2. An old cheap prostitute is arrested over a victimless crime…….

    An elite old whore, “Hillary”, sells her country’s secrets, influence, contracts to friends and associates, uranium, arms, supports enemies of the nation, destroys evidence, obstructs justice, and puts our nation at risk and becomes a $Billionaire.

    Hillary was just careless, no indictment, no prosecution, she’s free to spend her $billion dollars and free to continue her foundation scam.

    The old prostitute was careless too, she got caught and was arrested, prosecuted and likely will be incarcerated.

  3. Ya gotta love the undercover cops, they wait until the “act” is completed before placing her under arrest. The old gal is just trying to make a buck and her prospects are limited.

  4. “It’s a MAN, baby.”

    Jacksonville has huge problems with deadly dueling Mexican and Haitian cartel gangs, a heroin epidemic, large illegal population that is violent and unruly, and growing Muslim problem.
    On top of being a magnet for Northern homeless and street psychotics.

    But they’ve got time and resources to assign undercover cops to this kind of “crime”.

    Notice that the captive MSM press NEVER ask just how many local taxpayer $$$ were spent to arrest this 70 year old hooker.

  5. For all you “law and order” types: Why would you endanger our most blessed law-enforcement-officers by placing them in the vicinity of armed Mexicans, Haitians, Islamists, Trumpkins, and ACLU feedstock, when there are hookers working inside real-estate with civil forfeiture laws? It makes you sound like a bunch of #BLM anarchists.

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