Paul Ryan Tells Illegal Immigrant She Won’t Be Deported This Year – IOTW Report

Paul Ryan Tells Illegal Immigrant She Won’t Be Deported This Year

DailyCaller: Speaker of the House Paul Ryan told an illegal immigrant Thursday night that she shouldn’t “worry” about getting deported this year.

A 32-year old illegal immigrant living in Oklahoma named Angelica asked Ryan during a CNN town hall if he thinks she should be deported. Angelica was brought to the United States when she was 11, and thus is protected under President Barack Obama’s executive amnesty for illegal immigrants brought to the United States as minors. The woman has an American-born daughter and wondered if someone in her situation should be deported.

“No,” Ryan responded. The House Speaker said that President-elect Donald Trump wants to focus on deporting violent criminals and securing the border.

Ryan said once these two things are accomplished, “all people in the country will be in a much better position to fix these thornier bigger problems.” He added, “But if you’re worried about some deportation force knocking on your door this year, don’t worry about that.”


35 Comments on Paul Ryan Tells Illegal Immigrant She Won’t Be Deported This Year

  1. Hell yes, you should be deported. Back to the country from which your parents came. And if it were up to me, your “anchor baby” should go with you to become a citizen of the other country.

    My advice, go voluntarily so the police and INS don’t have to come knocking.

  2. How can a guy be so damn stupid and yet rise to where he is today? You never tell an adversary your timetable. Obama did and we got ISIS. He should have just said that he can’t give an off hand answer to such a complex question and the timetable depends on the President. Shit, if he hadn’t said that you’d probably be having thousands of illegals self-deporting in a matter of days or weeks. Idiot!

  3. “Don’t break up families” Pu-lease! When parents of minor children are sent to prison for their crimes, the children go to the homes of non-criminal relatives, or foster care. When parents of minor children are deported for the crime of illegally immigrating, their citizen children should go to the homes of citizen relatives, or foster care.

    Perhaps we can build boarding schools for “anchor babies” and teach them why their parents wanted them to be US citizens, and not the citizens of the 3-rd world hell-hole from which they tried to escape. We’ll teach them in English only, and teach them to be patriotic Americans who salute Old Glory, and not the flags of their horrible homelands.

  4. He’s right. Most likes scenario based on PETrumps promises.

    (Snip) At the other extreme, the Trump administration could continue the current priorities for removal and allow current recipients of DACA to use their EADs until they expire, while not accepting new applications or renewals. This would be the least controversial and most practical decision that would also be consistent with Trump’s campaign promises

    Trump has always said he would work with dreamers and be humane about the process. First to go the criminal element (not just being “illegal” criminality) These people pay taxes and are able to drive and work legally. Not the gawd awful thing many on the right make it out to be.

  5. Ryan doesn’t understand that he was elected to do a job. He could have just not ran for office if the tough part of his job, enforcing the constitution and the rule of law were too much for him. But he ran. He won. He needs to be tough and kick them all out. No weeping over it. He should do his damn job. The only reason there is this much wailing and gnashing of teeth over it is because he and others have failed to do their job for over 30 years.

  6. They’re willing to kill us all over their misplaced “compassion.”
    How bout a little “compassion” for Americans?

    But Ryan, living in his gated community in his multi-million dollar new, fenced home, doesn’t really give a fuck about the great masses of unwashed Americans – only about his “standing” with the globaloney-ists.

    It’s enough to make you puke.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. @Aggie January 13, 2017 at 3:32 pm

    > These people pay taxes and are able to drive and work legally. Not the gawd awful thing many on the right make it out to be.

    This is why we need “domestic interment” camps more than deportation trains.

  8. The term is ‘repatriated.’

    Angelica, the illegal alien, is going to be repatriated in 2017.

    I do not care at all what that worthless treasonous subversive, Paul Ryan, wants to happen.

    President Trump needs to NDAA Ryan on Day One. Nobody will miss him.

  9. “… work with dreamers and be humane about the process.”

    What could be more “humane” than repatriation to the “auld sod?”
    To breathe the fresh air of home? To be with kith and kin?

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. Assimilate- Just like Ruth the Moabite that left her home of Moab to follow her mother-in-law Naomi said-
    “Your people will be my people, your ways will be my ways and your God will be my God”
    You become legal-welcome to America. 🙂

  11. When we send their sorry butts home we should also append a bill to their shirts for the amount of tax dollars that we spent on them during their criminal and illegal sojourn in our country!

  12. We don’t have to “deport” anyone. Just start enforcing the laws like E Verify and people will just choose to go home because things became too complicated.

    On top of that end Federal Funding to sanctuary cities, Social Sec payouts and things along those lines and people will just pack up and leave.

    People take the path of least resistance. We can use hard resources taking out the hard trash like the MS13 types. oH, and a wall would be nice.

  13. You should al be ashamed of your hatred. Don’t you know that when you project hate on others it’s actually how you feel about yourself 🙂 learn to love others so that you can look ve yourselves

  14. Go try and spread your sunshine and piousness towards the victims of illegal aliens. You’re morally in no place to judge anyone here, and we’re not interested in your intellectually dishonest bullcrap. 🙂

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