Ukraine interfered with 2016 election to help Hillary – coordinated with DNC operative – IOTW Report

Ukraine interfered with 2016 election to help Hillary – coordinated with DNC operative

Foreign meddling is bad.

CAIN: Point out the inarguable fact that Hillary Clinton was a terrible candidate, and they respond “Russians.”

Remind them of her supreme arrogance and overconfidence, and they respond “Russians.”

Show them that Hillary ignored the rust belt in favor of spiking the football in Arizona, and they respond “Russians.”

Tell them that she squashed her own voters’ enthusiasm by cheating Bernie, and they respond “Russians.”

Since Hillary is so wonderful, there’s no way she could have lost – especially not to a man like Donald Trump. Democrats need a scapegoat and “Russians” are their most reliable boogeyman. Trump, the GOP, the media, everyone, colluded with the ruskies to “hack the election” and destroy poor, sweet, innocent, Hillary Clinton.

As you’re no doubt aware, this kind of collusion makes Trump unfit for the presidency. He should resign or something. Possibly, he should be in jail.

Hillary’s team would NEVER do something like tha- …uh oh.

As the Politico reports, Hillary had her own squad of foreign interlopers.  MORE

9 Comments on Ukraine interfered with 2016 election to help Hillary – coordinated with DNC operative

  1. Huck Finn…
    “That is just the way with some people.
    They get down on a thing when they don’t know
    nothing about it. Here she was a-bothering about
    Moses, which was no kin to her, and no use to any-
    body, being gone, you see, yet finding a power of
    fault with me for doing a thing that had some good in
    it. And she took snuff, too; of course that was all
    right, because she done it herself.”

  2. The Dems (socialists) don’t give a flying fig about Mrs. Clinton – they hate and fear her – but they ARE furious that America woke up at an important juncture in History. A Clinton presidency following the disastrous Obola residency would, most assuredly, have brought about the total destruction of our Constitutional Republic. Congress, faced with a would-be dictator, showed its true fecklessness and traitorous impassivity – willing to sit idle (raking in the ill-gotten booty from the various scams) and allow the Republic to lapse into some third-world cesspit of deception, socialism, poverty, and despair.
    America stuttered out of her slumber long enough to smell that smell of incipient catastrophe, and elected Mr. Trump – much to the chagrin of the Globaloney-ist, socialists, thieves, liars, miscreants, and other assorted haters of civilization.
    They will not go softly into that good night, but will kick, scream, claw, bite, lie, deceive, thrust, parry, dodge, bob, weave, malign, riot, and even kill to regain what they mistakenly consider their birthright.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Get ready #Nevertrump, and traitorous RINO GOP, you are next in the list of excuses to be trotted out as causing Hillary to lose! You didn’t sway the voters. Yea, that’s one of the few remaining excuses.

    Other contenders:
    Global Warning
    The coal industry
    The border patrol
    Sheriffs Clarke and Arpaio
    AARP (didn’t sway the old folks)
    The student debt (poor students who are not privy to debt forgiveness)
    The NAZIs
    Biker Gangs
    Dog catchers

1 Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. Hillary Clinton Actually Had Foreign Allies Meddling in the US Election for HER - Sparta Report

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