Obama DOJ Bullies Chicago Police – IOTW Report

Obama DOJ Bullies Chicago Police

LZ: The Obama Justice Department on Friday announced its findings of a year long investigation into possible civil rights violations by the Chicago Police Department. Critics contend the timing of the findings and the action DOJ will pursue in light of them are politically-motivated, and symptomatic of a drive to vilify police.

Attorney General Loretta Lynch said that the investigation uncovered a “pattern or practice” of excessive force and racial bias, and Lynch announced that the city entered into an “Agreement in Principle” with federal officials to work to craft a consent decree or “Settlement Agreement” — a binding court agreement which compels local police departments to make changes to their practices on pain of legal penalty.

“One of my highest priorities as attorney general has been to ensure that every American enjoys police protection that is lawful, responsive, and transparent,” Lynch said “Sadly, our thorough investigation into the Chicago Police Department found that far too many residents of this proud city have not received that kind of policing.”

Critics believe the investigation and subsequent findings were driven by political considerations and reflect a longstanding problem of priorities for Obama’s Justice Department.

“This is a boilerplate finding that the race-obsessed Obama-led Department of Justice has reached each and every time they have gone on this witch hunt against police departments throughout America,” said Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke in a statement provided to LifeZette.  MORE

12 Comments on Obama DOJ Bullies Chicago Police

  1. Black gang bangers are never at fault. They and the media declare it’s the problem of white police. So Chicago hires lots of black policemen. Problem doesn’t go away. Well then it has to be because there are too many white Prosecutors and Judges. So they hire lots more black Prosecutors and Judges. Problem does not go away. Well then the problem has to go back to white mayors. So they elect a black mayor, and for good measure, a black president. Now their problems are worse than ever. And they’re all pointing at each other. None of them are willing to admit the black gangs are not the problem, black gangs are a symptom of the breakdown of the black family, government dependence, and blaming everyone else for their problems.

  2. How is this AG report not racist? It not only ignores a well-recognized problem, black on black crime in poor neighborhoods, but demands solutions that will exacerbate these problems in these areas. In other words, and is usual for progressives, blacks get screwed in the name of liberalism.

    Liberals have convinced a sizable segment of our society that they have no chance in the United States, and that reliance on the dubious graces of the government is their only hope. Now they have officially opined that the police are the enemy of blacks (despite an increasing number and percentage of black officers), and are paving the way for a more or less permanent crime filled danger zone where safety is dubious and economic opportunity is stifled.

    If I were hispanic, I would look at what liberals have done to the United States black community, and do whatever I could to keep these people out of hispanic life. The urban black community, with its high rates of single parent families and abortion, will probably take generations to recover, if at all.

  3. This won’t slow CPD shakedown, er… revenue enhancement operations? Will it? I mean, there might be federal funds that have to be slow routed through the state, and you know they always skim a vig, when that fascist starts grandstanding, on the backs of poor people, about “sanctuary cities”! And Chicago’s got people to pay! I mean, *real* people, important people, not just allegedly registered voters, to pay!

  4. From heyjackass.com Congressman Lewis, obama, and AG Lynch blame the police in Chicago . Ignoring the facts that in 2016 there were 714 people shot and hilled, 3665 shot and wounded, with a total of 4379 being shot. The police were responsible for shooting and killing 11 and wowing 14.

  5. Re: Wyatt -those that are aborted never recover. Blacks are so ignorant of the goals of Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood. If I was black I would be arsonist against PP.

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