Trump Creates Special Conditions For CNN Participation – IOTW Report

Trump Creates Special Conditions For CNN Participation

NEW YORK (World News Bureau) – The office of President-elect Donald Trump sent out a press release Thursday morning laying out special conditions for CNN to be allowed to continue to be included in the White House press pool during his administration and banning online “news” outlet Buzzfeed outright-   MORE

17 Comments on Trump Creates Special Conditions For CNN Participation

  1. “Liberal lips flapping” makes me think of Nancy Polosi drying her rather old, tired, loose, kinda floppy, lady parts with a blow dryer.

    I saw her wunce when I got lost in the Capitol Building ….. I wsa lookin for the ice cream place and went into the Speaker’s Palace by mistake – it was scary.

    She was standing, nekkid from the waist down – I never figured out why she wasn’t completely nekkid – on top of to ottomans (ottomen?) and Steny Hoyer was on his knees in front of her with the blow-drier. Nobody said nuthin, but they looked kinda mad at me, an I figgered out there wasn’t any ice cream in there, so’s I left.

  2. Oh please, oh please please, someone feed this to BuzzFeed, CNN, MSNBC, without attribution, without the link. Feed it to any reporter, or Johm Mccain, I’m taking bets it will show up on a MSM site.

  3. Rules must include: Speak ONLY when you are spoken to, Keep your head and eyes straight to the front, Any increase in volume is grounds for immediate removal from the area,
    Lastly, if the CNN “reporter” is thought to be in violation, they will be removed to a secure TV room, no input will be considered.

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