Zeroing In: House Repeals Obamacare – IOTW Report

Zeroing In: House Repeals Obamacare

LifeZette: The U.S. House of Representatives passed a repeal of Affordable Care Act on Friday afternoon, tucked into a budget bill that will eventually repeal the health care law better known as Obamacare.

Despite doubters who claimed the House Republicans might not pass a repeal of Obamacare while not knowing what it could be replaced with, the House voted for the measure by a vote of 227-198.

The U.S. Senate has already voted, on Thursday, to repeal the law in its budget measure.

Obamacare will now be gutted the same way it was passed in 2010, by budget reconciliation.  MORE

11 Comments on Zeroing In: House Repeals Obamacare

  1. Do you EEYOREs here *really* think
    Trump would sign a deficient/corrupt healthcare bill,
    after all he went through and campaigned on?!?

    It sure won’t be perfect,
    but FOR GOD’S SAKE,
    rejoice that OCare will soon be dead and
    replaced by something healthier!

  2. I think when he said “insurance for everyone” makes people a little jumpy.
    Because after 0bama, everyone is worried about “everyone will have insurance” = single payer.
    I think Trump is saying everyone will be able to afford what they want to buy. That’s the difference.
    But I can understand how RINOs being involved would make people twitch, good plans or not.
    I’m so sick of those assholes.

  3. Understood MJA. But does ANYONE really think Trump would – ON DAY ONE (probably) – sign a bill knowingly trashing his “reputation”/trustworthiness?!?

    He got to where he is by coming through on his promises.
    I know politics, and therefore understand saboteurs lurk everwhere (esp. in one’s own Party), but SO DOES TRUMP.

  4. I don’t trust anyone in DC but I’m glad to see Obamacare go. Let’s hope the Republicans don’t screw it up. I don’t believe Trump will sign into law another turd, but we’ll have to see.

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