Carlson vs Jehmu Greene – IOTW Report

Carlson vs Jehmu Greene

Let’s git it on!


23 Comments on Carlson vs Jehmu Greene

  1. I watched this last night. Jehmu ‘Ooga Booga Boo’ Greene represents do-nothing, racist, community organizers quite well. She once called Tucker a ‘bow tie white boy’ establishing her diversity creds for all to see. She would make a great DNC Chair.

  2. Yes DNC. Make ‘Moo your spokesbitch. Make it abundantly clear who this democrat party really is, black racists who favor open borders and mass muzzie invasion as tools to exact revenge on the America they hate.

  3. The dumbocraps and blacks keep conveniently forgetting that it was White America that put an end to slavery at the cost of over 600,000 + lives 150 years ago. The dumbocraps were the party of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow laws, segregation, they voted against the Voting Rights Act in 1964 etc. While the Republicans have been the party of freedom for all.

  4. I am concerned that the DNC is shutting out hispanics in its search for a leader. What about Julian Castro, former Mayor of San Antonio and current HUD figurehead? He’d be a muy fantastico DNC capo.

    Shamu Greene and Khalif Ellison? There could be a brownlash coming to the DNC.

  5. What I enjoy most is watching the left dig themselves deeper and deeper into a hole. The more they claim to be “main stream” and the popular majority the more they distance themselves and create just the opposite. It truly is fascinating to watch as much as it is humorous.

  6. I think every guest that comes on Tucker’s show thinks they are going to demolish him in their debates. Still waiting for that to happen! In the end, he wipes their liberal smugness off their faces! Go Tucker!!! You are the man!

  7. I saw this segment last night and it was painful to watch. The D’s racism is breathtaking. Also watched a film on TCM last night, “Crisis: Behind a Presidential Commitment”, in which I was reminded that segregationist George Wallace was a Democrat candidate for president.

    If you haven’t yet seen D’Souza’s “Hillary’s America”, you’ve gotta see it. That, or just listen to any of D’Souza’s recent lectures/speeches (a good one is the one he gave at the 2016 Restoration Weekend). He lays out the strategy for hanging the albatross of “America, Bad” around these loser’s necks once and for all. Nearly every single thing the D’s accuse “America” of doing are things that the Democrats did and are doing! It’s not America that is “bad”, it’s specifically the D’s and the American Left who are.

  8. If they keep this up they will have democrats voting conservative for 200 years.
    paraphrasing a racist Democrat and some believe a president murderer.
    White Dems turned out to vote Trump in droves, more please, you don’t need any white leadership in the Dim party. according to Symone Sanders.

  9. Shamu won’t answer a question – ANY question. Every question is an opportunity to editorialize on the “talking points” she was delivered that morning. Her powers of deflection are admirable – she keeps blabbing her bullshit regardless of what is going on around her – and she lies with a perfectly straight face.
    I get the impression that she doesn’t so much believe the bullshit she spews, as that she really doesn’t understand any better. She doesn’t appear to actually understand what she’s being asked, or whether or not her answers are, in the least bit, rationally related to the questions posed. There may be some serious sociopathic disconnect in her brain.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. Tucker tends to go too easy on women. Since the women on the opposition are always wailing about inequality, he really needs to be just as hard on them as he is on his male guests.

  11. Another babbling, psychotic, unhinged kook… perfect person to head the DNC! She’s the black version of Alfed E. Newman’s ugly, lost sister, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.

  12. As the Democrats retreat into the bunkers of the Progressive Redoubt before the victorious Red (State) Armies, their much ballyhooed Wünderwaffen (wonder weapons) have not been delivered by the Führer Dictator Soros. Instead, they are asked to delay the Trump Triumph Train® with that dirtiest and simplest of all the DNC weapons: Der Race Kard!

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