GHWB hospitalized for shortness of breath – IOTW Report

GHWB hospitalized for shortness of breath

msn – HOUSTON — Former President George H.W. Bush was taken to the hospital over the weekend for shortness of breath and the 92-year-old is responding well to treatments, his spokesman said Wednesday.

The 41st president was admitted to Houston Methodist Hospital on Saturday, spokesman Jim McGrath said in an email to The Associated Press.

“Doctors and everyone are very pleased, and we hope to have him out soon,” McGrath said.

Bush’s chief of staff, Jean Becker, told the Houston Chronicle and KHOU-TV that Bush is expected to go home in a couple of days.  more

20 Comments on GHWB hospitalized for shortness of breath

  1. I just plain don’t like him. But his family love him so I’m gonna just wish him well for their sakes and say no more about him.

    It’s 10:30 am, I’m not done with my coffee, that’s the best I can do.

  2. I thank George HW Bush for his service in WWII. But his “voodoo economics” slur against The Greatest President Ever – Ronald Reagan – was just as wrong as his dislike of PRESIDENT Donald Trump.

  3. That poor, dumb Ronald Reagan, he only had a degree in economics. He was a lot smarter than most of his critics. His economic policies led to the longest peacetime period of economic growth in American History.

  4. Say what you like, but he wasn’t a drug-addled, homosexual, marxist, moslem, Kenyan who stole every cent he ever made and worked diligently to destroy America.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. The Bushs lovefest with the Obamas and Clintons makes me less inclined to be gracious towards the elder Bush. Nobody really expected George H.W. or Barbara to attend Trump’s inaguaration. They’re both old, sick and RINOs.

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