Obama scores the worst legislative record in history – IOTW Report

Obama scores the worst legislative record in history

WT: President Obama oversaw the deepest legislative malaise in modern political history, according to the Washington Times Legislative Index, which captures his struggles to find ways to work with a Congress that ranged from lukewarm to openly hostile toward him.

Over the course of his eight years, he has signed just 1,227 bills into law — less, even, than one-term Presidents Carter and George H.W. Bush. Digging deeper into the numbers, Congress spent less time in session, handled fewer business on the chamber floors and generally sputtered for much of Mr. Obama’s tenure, according to The Times’ index.

Blame for the poor showing falls across Washington. Some analysts say a Congress with four years of divided control hamstrung Mr. Obama, while others say the president failed to find ways to work with the legislature that voters gave him — particularly after the 2010 elections.

“The president was never good at reaching across the aisle. So when the composition of Congress changed relative to what it was in his first two years, he wasn’t able to accommodate that very well,” said Andrew Busch, a presidential scholar at Claremont McKenna College in California. “He never accustomed himself to operating in a system where he was not the sole player.”  MORE

21 Comments on Obama scores the worst legislative record in history

  1. “Over the course of his eight years, he has signed just 1,227 bills into law”

    Wow. Some how I think the content was probably more damaging than the volume. We need to pass a law that states “Any New Bill submitted must have two existing laws attached to it that can be deleted.”

  2. “He never accustomed himself to operating in a system where he was not the sole player.”
    Sole player? Like when he “wrote” his books? When has he actually ever done anything useful?
    He’s a taker, always has been. 1/20/2017 can not come soon enough!

  3. His legacy of failure is history, hopefully not repeated and not rewritten.
    He has set the bar for the Presidency at a new low, even the Three Stooges could do better.
    My Apologies to the memory of the Three Stooges and their families, as they were just acting as fools, Obama proved he’s the real deal.

  4. Soon Obama will be history!!!

    Tomorrow is the 19th, and if I am not mistaken, celebrations start on the mall with great music groups.

    Warm up the popcorn poppers! Shop for the last minute food and fireworks.

    And party hearty!!! And don’t stop for at least eight years!!!

    Thank you, God, and bless Mr. Trump!

  5. OK, I am not going to say a negative word about that son of a bitch.
    I commented earlier on how I hoped that bastard would run himself over with his own golf cart.
    Ten Minutes later I was warming up the Lazlomobile and scraping ice off the rear window when the Good Lord decided to test my agility.
    I was ‘a scraping when my own Jeep tried to run me over.
    I had to move with alacrity.
    Somehow, throwing all my accoutrements into the cockpit had put it into reverse and it waited until I got behind it to go after me.
    Or some Imp of Satan was dispatched to torment me.
    I got it stopped before mayhem ensued.

    So. If that fooking asshole Barak Obama reads this site.
    I am sorry for the comment.

  6. Two glaring omissions which must be added to Zero’s record:
    He did legislate via the most Executive Orders (because he couldn’t deal with Congress, chickenshit that he is), and he never submitted, or signed, a federal Budget.

    I could make a racist remark about how he was completely irresponsible fiscally, but his historic budgets deficits and national debt say it it spades. (see what I did there?)

  7. “Over the course of his eight years, he has signed just 1,227 bills into law”

    Yes, but they aren’t counting all the Executive Orders and “regulations” (laws passed by his cronies in the EPA, etc).

    They MUST reach at least 100,00 or more.

  8. I can’t believe some of the comments I’m reading. Why do free men need a law passed every two days. Especially when that’s considered sub standard. I dont get it. This is a major problem.

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