I’ve decided not to dress Michelle Obama – IOTW Report

I’ve decided not to dress Michelle Obama

Yeah, that’s right. Look at it!
You had your chance to look fabulous, but no more! You made your choice!

26 Comments on I’ve decided not to dress Michelle Obama

  1. Classless butt ugly blob just cannot go away soon enough. She belongs in the same room as Helen Thomas, Hillary, Rosie, Michael Moore, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Martha Raddatz, Pelosi, Janet Reno, Patty Murry, Henry Waxman, and a hand full of those guys from Dr. Seuss books.

  2. This may be the MSM’s revenge for electing Trump. I fear that we will never be free from images of that bitter, butt ugly disgrace and her peckish spawn. She’s like a spider that bears her eggs on her back and they hatch all at once spilling ang crawling over her hairy back like a hellish toilet over flowing… oh crap, I scared myself.

  3. LOL! Great comment, sig94. BTW, what you described happened in my window one summer, right in the corner. It was a big spider. Thank goodness it was outside. I was concerned they would get in, so I sprayed them with Raid. The creepiest thing I’ve ever seen.

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