❄️ 59 below recorded in Interior as cold snap settles on Alaska – IOTW Report

❄️ 59 below recorded in Interior as cold snap settles on Alaska

ADN: Fairbanks and Anchorage woke Wednesday to the deep-freeze of an expected cold snap this week, as temperatures plunged to 50 degrees below zero in some areas of the Interior.

The coldest temperature recorded by the National Weather Service Wednesday morning was 59 below on the Salcha River near its confluence with Flat Creek, said meteorologist Dan Hancock in the agency’s Fairbanks office.

By 4 p.m., the temperature on the Salcha had warmed 20 degrees — to 39 below, Hancock said.

The Fairbanks weather service office issued a dense fog advisory Wednesday afternoon that was in place until midnight. Visibility of a quarter-mile or less was expected from Fairbanks to Eielson Air Force Base, primarily in lower elevations.  more here

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18 Comments on ❄️ 59 below recorded in Interior as cold snap settles on Alaska

  1. A friend of mine works for BP on the northern slope. I once asked him “Once the temperature is -20 degrees can you actually feel a difference when it goes down to -50? His reply: “Hell yes – – it’s 30 degrees COLDER!

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