The Opposite of Obama – IOTW Report

The Opposite of Obama

DIOGENES’ MIDDLE FINGER:  President George H.W. Bush, aka Bush the Elder, wrote a letter to President-Elect Trump recently. Keeping with typical Bush family rules of dignity, President Bush’s letter was filled with patriotism and integrity.

The letter read:

“Dear Donald, Barbara and I are so sorry we can’t be there for your Inauguration on January 20th. My doctor says if I sit outside in January, it likely will put me six feet under. Same with Barbara. So I guess we’re stuck in Texas. But we will be with you and the country in spirit. I want you to know that I wish you the very best as you begin this incredible journey of leading our great country. If I can ever be of help, please let me know.”

It’s apparent that Bush the Elder is the opposite of President Obama. Right until the last minute of his presidency, Bush the Elder’s decisions were about protecting the United States. President Obama’s final decisions have disgraced his already disgraceful foreign policy and national security legacy.


11 Comments on The Opposite of Obama

  1. You can commend him for his politeness but still not forgive him for voting for Hillary, a candidate that he had to know would quite possibly have damaged his country beyond repair. No, no forgiving that.

  2. We all got to read this letter because it’s all about salvaging the Bush-family-loves-America theme. Yes, they may be better that turds like McCain, BUT
    Did y’all forget what you say about career politicians???
    How about a clan of them?!

  3. There are many commendable things to be said about the Bushes, even if you don’t agree with a lot of things they do. There is NOTHING to commend itself to Bam Bam and his family. They are complete and utter trash.

  4. The elder Bushes claimed they didn’t vote for hillary. Then I read they didn’t vote at all.
    I’m betting they either voted for Jeb! or stayed home.
    Still, the letter shows more class than anything the 0bamas did in their entire lives.

  5. Whether you disagree with Bush Sr, or W. political points of view, they still have class and respect. Bill and Obama are the only ones that didn’t leave the office with dignity.

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