Tom Cotton: The Iran deal is dead – IOTW Report

Tom Cotton: The Iran deal is dead


WaEx: Sen. Tom Cotton said he expects President-elect Trump step up enforcement of the Iran nuclear deal but stop short of pulling the U.S. out of the agreement. But that won’t save the deal.

The Arkansas Republican, a vocal opponent of President Obama’s deal with Iran to limit the rogue regime’s nuclear weapons program, said Tehran is likely to react to stricter policing by the incoming Trump administration by crying foul and refusing to comply going forward.

“I believe the Iran deal is dead,” Cotton said, during an interview with the Washington Examiner’s “Examining Politics” podcast.  more here

9 Comments on Tom Cotton: The Iran deal is dead

  1. Iran Iraq Saudi Arabia should
    bombed back to the 8th century…
    After the dust settles ALL MUZ
    in Europe & America should be rounded
    up and sent to their new home…

  2. The Oscumbag regime and the presumed Hitlery regime never intended to hold Iran to the terms of the “deal”. All that is required to revoke it is an administration that acknowledges Iran’s serial violations. Done!

  3. Contracts, which may include treaties, are unenforceable if one of the parties to that contract is mentally incompetent. What sane person gives international terrorists a bazillion dollars? Clinton, Kerry & Obama, the three “insane” amigos, that’s who.


    Didn’t you know when the Mad-King decides to step down for a while, his rules are unchangeable? Sorry Trumpsters. Donald Trump can’t use an executive order to get rid of executive orders.

  5. What about the money obama just promised to Iraq? Can Trump stop that? It will pass Utah and go directly to Iran, ISIS and maybe off shore obummer accounts.

    How the hell has it been legal for obama to send so much of American taxpayer funds to Afghanistan, Iraq, and Iran, WITHOUT GOING THROUGH CONGRESS? McCain and Graham, where is your outrage at that?

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