Nancy Sinatra- ‘Why Do You Lie, CNN?’ – IOTW Report

Nancy Sinatra- ‘Why Do You Lie, CNN?’

Breitbart: Daughter of Frank Sinatra, Nancy Sinatra, accused CNN of deliberately twisting a comment she made in reference to President Trump, before congratulating the 45th President of the United States on his inauguration.

Responding to an article published by CNN originally entitled, “Nancy Sinatra not happy Trump using father’s song at inauguration

12 Comments on Nancy Sinatra- ‘Why Do You Lie, CNN?’

  1. You said I said daddy wouldn’t like it
    If Trump played daddy’s music at the ball
    You’ve been a’lyin’ where you shouldn’t ‘ve been a’lyin’
    And now my lawyer’s giving you a call

    These Suits are made for suing,
    And that’s just what they’ll do,
    One of these days these Suits are gonna sue all over you…

  2. Legally end cable “bundling” and CNN, MSNBC, and ESPN become extinct. This along with stripping NPR and endowment for the “arts” of government money would go a long way towards stopping the brainwashing.

    THEN, purge the school system of unions.

  3. I guess it’s not really important unless you’re Paul Anka, but Frank Sinatra didn’t write that song, he sang it. I was watching the coverage of the inaugural balls on C-Span and the woman announcer kept referring to Mr. Sinatra as the songwriter. Paul Anka wrote it for Sinatra.

  4. They lie for the same reason that Walter Cronkite, “the most trusted man in America”, lied. To further the cause of liberal enlightenment upon all of us ignorant, God fearing patriots.

  5. I met Cronkite once at the Annapolis Sailboat Show. He was a short, fat walrus who couldn’t sail his way out of a wet paper bag.

    Fucking Socialist backstabber of America

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