‘Breathing Exercises’ In The Rose Garden Got The White House Through Election Night – IOTW Report

‘Breathing Exercises’ In The Rose Garden Got The White House Through Election Night


Breathing exercises in the Rose Garden and a steady stream of booze got the White House through election night, a communications staffer wrote in a story recounting his experience watching Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton lose.

Pat Cunnane had been so confident Clinton would win that when he penciled in plans for former President Barack Obama to meet the president-elect that week, he wrote down her name in his calendar. A few days later, he found himself “ugly crying” in the Oval Office as Obama gave the White House staff a pep talk about President Donald Trump’s stunning victory.

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17 Comments on ‘Breathing Exercises’ In The Rose Garden Got The White House Through Election Night

  1. I was in Sedona AZ and they had a sign for a ‘Symposium on Breathing’
    Only $50
    Like I got a Grant lying around that wants to be spent on something I learned hanging upside down in my first ten seconds.

  2. The bubble they lived in, expanded and contracted , with their breathing exercises. When the bubble broke, the fresh air hit them just like sunlight hitting a vampire.

  3. If you want to know for certain the type of people who have been mismanaging our country for the last eight miserable years, read the entire essay. The faces on these people when Trump arrived at the White House said it all. They were so disconnected from the voters that they never saw the Counterrevolution coming their way.

  4. Somebody should tell them that because their breathing is all wrong they have to break old bad habits before trying to learn how to do it correctly. Complete cessation of respiration for 30 minutes will do the trick.

  5. I would have given anything to be in the room when Hilliary Clinton realized it was over. It was probably like the Downfall where Hilter goes ballistic when he learns SS General Felix Steiner didn’t have the forces necessary to relieve Berlin (the scene others use with their own subtitles). She probably had to be sedated.

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