Lindsey Graham: ‘I Don’t Know What America First Means’ – IOTW Report

Lindsey Graham: ‘I Don’t Know What America First Means’

Breitbart: Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” while discussing President Donald Trump’s inaugural address calling for his policy to be informed by putting “America first,” Sen. Lindsey Graham, (R-SC) said, “I don’t know what America first means.”

Graham said, “To the president, if America first is a throwback to the 20’sand 30’s isolationism when it was first used as a phrase, the world would deteriorate even quicker, if it is a new way of Ronald Reagan’s peace through strength I would like to work with him. I don’t know what America first means.”

Watch the idiot, here08

39 Comments on Lindsey Graham: ‘I Don’t Know What America First Means’

  1. Maybe the fake news outlets can bring out, in addition, John McCain or Nancy Pelosi or some other washed up elitist with election butthurt to explain to us populists exactly what we should be thinking about Trump. They aren’t going to ever get it, it’ll be 8 years of wiping their collective jaws off the floor.

  2. Wow! America First! A concept that wobbles the mind and sends the professional political class into conniption fits!
    I wonder whether he’s being obtuse on purpose or whether he truly doesn’t understand what “America First” implies?
    President Trump didn’t say “America Only” he said “America First” as in “America,” and America’s interests, are to be the “First” considerations in any, and all, policies promulgated by his Administration – in contradistinction to the policies of some previous Presidents who will remain nameless.
    I believe Senator Graham’s confusion may be due to the fact that he doesn’t much consider the interests of “America” in his political calculus – only his own popularity, enrichment, and aggrandizement at the expense of “America” – as do most politicians. I would also guess that he doesn’t know any “Americans” – only maggots, political pustules, sycophants, hangers-on, money bag men, Lobbyists, Journ-O-Listers, Senators – and, thus, is totally unclear on the concept of “America” and “Americans.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. It shows that he and so many others don’t know what it means! That is how we got into the mess that we are in. They have been selling us out for decades and becoming so wealthy in the process. DJT can explain it to you—maybe.

  4. “The Well-Being of Americans must come first” — Trump in September 2016.

    Well-being of Americans on all fronts — whether economic, military, immigration, security…. if Graham cannot understand or support that, then he needs to be replaced.

  5. I live in South Carolina and unfortunately have Graham as our Senator. The RNC called me asking for a donation. I told them I would gladly send in a donation if they would knock the stupid out of Lindsey Graham. They said they would and I wrote “Hitting Lindsey Graham” in the for section on my donation check. That faggot spend $68 million getting re-elected this last time.

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