New White House begins with English-only website – IOTW Report

New White House begins with English-only website


  • New website has only English-language content
  • Obama administration made a point of including Spanish on its main website
  • President Trump made a point during his campaign of urging Spanish-speaking immigrants to ‘assimilate’ by learning to speak English
  • Chairman & CEO of advocacy group ‘U.S. English’ says there are 323 languages spoken in the U.S. and Spanish shouldn’t get special treatment
  • It’s unclear whether the English-only site is temporary or final but White House press secretary Sean Spicer hinted that Spanish content could be coming



17 Comments on New White House begins with English-only website

  1. I’d like to see them add a link:

    ‘Aprende Ingles Aqui!’

    Learn English Here

    And have free online instruction in English for them. I would be happy to see my tax dollars helping people assimilate.

  2. I work with some Hispanics and the ones who are quite fluent in both English and Spanish often complain about how the Spanish translation on some government documents often doesn’t match the English parts clearly. For that reason alone, it would behoove them to learn as much English as they can. By the same token, I have no problem learning a bit of Spanish from them in exchange for letting me help them with their English when necessary.

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