Head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau used a private device for government communications – IOTW Report

Head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau used a private device for government communications

DailyCaller: Richard Cordray, head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), used a private device for government communications, and didn’t create appropriate records of those messages with the bureau, according to documents obtained exclusively by The Daily Caller.

A longtime Democrat from Ohio, Cordray has served as head of the CFPB since January 2012, a position he is scheduled to hold through July 2018.

A source told TheDC that he submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request in August 2016 for more than a year’s worth of text messages on official devices to and from various CFPB staffers.

The bureau responded that there were no records on any “CFPB issued or CFPB reimbursed devices” for any text messages sent or received associated with Cordray.

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13 Comments on Head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau used a private device for government communications

  1. I suspect we’re going to be hit with a barrage of information about just how underhanded and corrupt the Obama Administration has been these last eight years. Sunlight is the best disinfectant and I think the Trump Administration is going to be a big, ball of sunshine.

  2. @Hungjumper January 24, 2017 at 11:31 am

    No, no. He’s just doing the people’s work to the best of his ability. And avoiding wasting the people’s time on that whole “oversight” charade. Which, be honest, is, itself, just a hole ‘nother waste of time.

  3. #LockHimUp

    The CPFB never should have been created and its sole purpose is to shakedown banks so their “fines” can enrich left-wing advocacy groups.

    He hid his communications because he was breaking every law could get away with.

    Lock that entire board up.

  4. It is a top down problem. When the Sec of State can do it and get away why not a lower? Examples must be made. Starting with former Sec of State Hillary and then work down from there.

    Lock Them Up.

  5. @Pelopidas January 24, 2017 at 1:49 pm

    “Examples must be made.”

    Because there is a lack of replacements? Why fix the problem — of who is deciding what to do, and how — when you can have a show trial, or three, and have everybody that was hired because they were trusted to do the job the showpieces expected, to promise to have an epiphany, and never, ever, try — or even want — to do “that”, ever, again?

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