Roman Polanski Pulls Out Of César Awards After Outcry – IOTW Report

Roman Polanski Pulls Out Of César Awards After Outcry

Deadline: Following an outcry from French women’s groups over the selection of Roman Polanski as President of next month’s César Awards, the filmmaker has pulled out of the post. Polanski’s attorney told Agence France Presse on Tuesday morning that he has renounced the position, but called the polemic “unjustified.” The Académie des Arts et Techniques, which oversees France’s equivalent to the Oscars, has not yet responded to Polanski’s decision.

The movement against Polanski has been led by feminist org Osez Le Feminisme, which called him “an author of sexual violence who remains unpunished, protected by his celebrity status.” The 83-year-old filmmaker has been wanted in the United States for 40 years over a 1977 child sex conviction. At the time, he cut a plea deal and served 42 days in prison, but fled the U.S. on the eve of sentencing when it appeared the judge in the case had moved the legal goalposts. The Chinatown and Pianist director has been a fugitive from American justice ever since, continuing to live and work largely in France. Multiple attempts to extradite him to the U.S. have stalled.  MORE

10 Comments on Roman Polanski Pulls Out Of César Awards After Outcry

  1. crazy trump hate is actually producing good results. Roman Polanski is being shamed in FRANCE? What’s next? Bill Clinton being chased by a mob is disillusioned democrats? It keeps getting better and better.

  2. It’s just the French pretending to no spreche ze Ingleesh. Here, let me Google that for you:

    Il a été condamné pour avoir drogué et empalé un enfant, pas un fœtus.

  3. Anyone besides me getting sick of Hollywood’s Once-a-Month we love ourselves productions? They’ve got more damn awards. Who gives a shit? Why would anyone watch the awards programs? Nothing but a bunch of frothing America hating dumb asses dressed up in spendy clown suits. PHuckem.

  4. Bring that short-eyed bastard back to the United States in chains, and make him serve every nanosecond of his sentence in main population, or until the other prisoners kill him, whichever comes first.

    But pity the poor fugative! On the run from the law! Hiding out in 4-star flop houses on the Rive Gauche, in squalid mansions on the French Riveria.

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