Nasty or nice? Study links personality to brain shape – IOTW Report

Nasty or nice? Study links personality to brain shape

Paris (AFP) – Personality traits such as moodiness or open-mindedness are linked to the shape of one’s brain, a study said Wednesday.

Researchers said they found a striking correlation between structural brain differences and five main personality types.

“The shape of our brain can itself provide surprising clues about how we behave — and our risk of developing mental health disorders,” said a statement from the University of Cambridge, which took part in the study.

Psychologists have previously developed a “Big Five” model of main personality types: neuroticism (how moody a person is), extraversion (how enthusiastic), open-mindedness, agreeableness (a measure of altruism) and conscientiousness (a measure of self control).

Using brain scans from over 500 people aged 22 to 36, the new study looked at differences in the cortex — the wrinkly outer layer of the brain also known as grey matter.  MORE

13 Comments on Nasty or nice? Study links personality to brain shape

  1. Interesting article, as soon as they threw in biological evolution into the mix, it became another trash can full of garbage. That is the polite version.
    “We are endowed with rights by our Creator” says the Declaration of Independence.

  2. What TonyR said.

    That crap belongs in cosmo, except it would be “5 things you need to know about the shape of his brain.”

    And remember when Obama dressed all those doctors in white coats on the WH lawn to shill for Obamacare? Science, baby.

    Speaking of science, y’all hear about the scientists who want to march in Washington to Crowd Size for Climate Change? Political Science, baby.

  3. Another example of “science” barking up the wrong tree AND putting the cart before the horse. Is it the shape of the brain that determines thought habits or thought habits that shapes the brain? I claim it is the latter. This is just another way to release people from the responsibility of their actions.

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